Unusual !: A high-speed train driver went to the toilet while traveling 150 kilometers per hour | the Chronicle


It was 8:15 a.m. on a typical day in Japan, in the context of pandemic Of course, when a driver of tren bala made a decision somewhat imprudent. It turned out that he wanted to go to the bathroom so he left for three minutes, leaving a person who was not trained to operate this train in charge.. The moment he got up from the seat, the vehicle was traveling 150 kilometers per hour.

Inside the Central Japan Railway company convoy were 160 passengers, who only learned of the fact after getting out of the vehicle. Once the news was made public, the driver apologized and apologized “have suffered from abdominal pain “ this forced him to go to the bathroom. So far, there doesn’t seem to be much to fault with it, but According to CNN, when they left, they were only 20 kilometers from their destination.

In his statement, he also added that he did not wait for the next station so as not to delay train service. In this case, the “delay” would not have been a few minutes. Remember that in the “land of the rising sun” there is almost an obsession with punctuality.

From the company, they clarified that this was the first time this had happened a fact of this nature and that they are considering opening a file, because while the driver left the train traveled 7 kilometers.


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