Unusual! A Transformers fan named his son Optimosprayn


His face appeared on social networks and, because of the celebrity that he reached, decided to break his silence and tell how someone was going for life.

The young man said his father was a fan of the aforementioned animated series, although he had a dilemma with his mother when choosing the name. "When I was a kid, I loved Mazinger Z, then the Transformers appeared, although the problem arose when I was baptized.because my mother wanted me to call Chayanne and my father Optimosprayn ", said in an interview for the Paraguayan newspaperChronic.


"Then he told him that he was going to give me the first name and my mother the second.Fortunately, he gave me the name of my grandfather"Added the boy.

In addition, Meza revealed that his name was causing him problems at school. "I always remember the first day of clbad, every year it was a show.When she was in sixth grade, the teacher asked all her students to introduce themselves with their names and first names. as if I was afraid that my new colleagues would make fun of me, I introduced myself as Ismael Meza, "he said.

The teacher asked him if he had no other names and first names. "Yes, I told him, and there I told him that I called Optimosprayn Ismael Meza Barboza.She asked me if she had a clown face and said that I was laughing at her and she kicked me out of clbad. ", revealed between two laughs.

Over time, the boy learned to value his name and even toHe tattooed the face of the Transformers leader on his neck.Unbelievable!


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