Unusual: Bolsonaro apologizes to Macron for accepting G7 money | Chronic


After the tense pbadages between the French and Brazilian leaders, Jair Bolsonaro He said Tuesday that he could accept the $ 20 million offered by the G7 to fight the Amazonian fire only after receiving a public apology from his French counterpart. Emmanuel Macronwho called him "liar".

In statements made at the Palacio de la Alvorada, the Brazilian president denied his chief of staff, Onyx Lorenzoni, who said that Brazil would not accept the money agreed at the summit of the richest countries in the world.

"First of all, Mr. Macron must withdraw his insults.Afterwards, I learned that he had said that our sovereignty was open in the Amazon.To talk or accept any thing whatsoever with France, with his best intentions, he withdraw the words "he said. And underlined: "First remove, then offer and finally answer".

French President Emmanuel Macron was satisfied with the "quick mobilization" G7 to help countries facing the wave of fires in the Amazon, but criticized the "clumsiness of some leaders", referring to the rejection of his Brazilian counterpart, Jair Bolsonaro.

In a speech to the French ambbadadors gathered in Paris, Macron explained that the initiative he had presented with the Chilean president, Sebastián Piñera, at the summit ended Monday in the French coastal city of Biarritz "responds to an urgent need by mobilizing the media" against fire and, especially, funds for reforestation.

"On this issue, I have noted the concerns, no doubt, the clumsiness of some leaders who believe that sovereignty at bottom is an aggressiveness", quoted by the EFE news agency. A barely veiled allusion to Bolsonaro, whose government rejected this initiative in the name of its sovereignty.

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The French president stressed that his country was sovereign, but when there is an event "we accept international solidarity". He especially stressed that the Amazonian forest extends over nine countries and that the solidarity mechanisms agreed in the framework of the G7 must be developed so that regions like Colombia can benefit from it, but also the Brazilian regions that wish it. .

In addition, he wanted to give more perspective to his messages of the last days to act urgently against the fires of the Amazon. He noted that when we talk about the African jungle, the Arctic, the Antarctic or the Antarctic, they "geographical commons, inseparable from our biodiversity and the climate problem".

Macron told his ambbadadors that French diplomacy at work must be reactivated for new international environmental rights.

Bolsonaro makes fun of Macron's wife

The Brazilian president was angry at the journalists who were at the door of the presidential residence when he was questioned about the offense committed on Facebook against the first French lady. Annoyed and angry, he said he did not offend the first French in a comment on Facebook, Brigitte Macron.

The fact began when a disciple of Bolsonaro put a picture of Macron with his wife and another of Bolsonaro with his (both women have an age difference of about 30 years) with the phrase: "Now we understand why Macron persecutes Bolsonaro". And the profile of the President of Brazil replied: "Do not humiliate him, my friend, Hahaha.".

On Tuesday, Bolsonaro replied: "I did not put the picture, someone put it and what I did was tell him not to talk stupidly, I do not want to take the thing from his personal side. "

The journalists insisted on the case and the former right captain replied: "If you continue with this level of questions, I leave, but you want to talk about it, goodbye, really journalism … You do not deserve to be considered".

Chiefs with their wives. (Facebook)


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