Unusual case in India: Leninism and Communism went to the marriage of socialism


A man from the India called Socialism (Socialism), he married his wife Mamta banerjee at a ceremony held last Sunday in the city of Seelanaickenpatti. Although it sounds like a joke, the marriage was followed by two other political ideologies: Leninism Yes Communism (Leninism and Communism), names that bear the brothers of the groom.

The episode had a lot of repercussions, not only in the country, but also on social networks, where the images of the event they went viral quickly. There, a wave of comments was generated in a tone of jest, regarding the unusual left-inspired names worn by the boyfriend and his brothers.

Image of the wedding, with the flags of the Indian Communist Party. (Photo: Ruptly)

His father, the district secretary of the Communist Party from India, A. Mohan, manifested at Ruptly who chose these names for his children after the dissolution of USSR underline and reiterate than communism survive to as long as there is human existence in the world ”.

In turn, he said he would have called “Marxism” (Marxism) to her daughter if I had one.

Despite this father’s pride, the man admitted that due to the strange names his children had difficulties at the time of admission to school, entering a hospital, or without going further, at the time of make friends.

“During my school years, my friends they did not know how to pronounce well my name. They asked me about my religion and they laughed of me. At that age, I didn’t know why we called ourselves that and asked my father, expressed Leninism.

“He used to say, ‘It’ll be like that for now, but when you grow up, they will be proud of their names ”, he added

Like his father, and following his teaching, Leninism, Communism and Socialism are members of the Indian Communist Party. But, this is not the first time that such an event has occurred.

The practice of naming with left memories or former political leaders already had a place in India. The current Chief Minister of the State of Tamil Nadu, where these brothers live, his last name is Stalin, just like the Soviet leader Joseph stalin.


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