Unusual explanation by Diosdado Cabello on the video in which a FARC guerrilla recognizes Maduro’s support


Guerrillas in Venezuela

On February 10, 2021, a video of a FARC / EP guerrilla was posted on social networks, as he puts it himself, wearing the characteristic rubber boots, with his long gun for the man, a vest and challenging a group of Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) soldiers. It is not only the indisputable proof of the presence of the guerrillas on the Venezuelan territory, It is the recognition he himself makes of the fact that Nicolás Maduro has accepted his presence on Venezuelan territory, because if he had told him “that the guerrillas are leaving Venezuela, then we are leaving”.

The silence of the military high command, of the media minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino López, of the operational strategic command, of the presidency of the Republic, of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jorge Arreaza, who publishes communications for all that is against Colombia , is flagrant, but avoids the thorny issue which represents a violation of territory and sovereignty in Venezuela.

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces do not speak out in the face of the obvious guerrilla presence
The Bolivarian National Armed Forces do not speak out in the face of the obvious guerrilla presence

But if the silence of the military institution is too deafening in itself, it is The response from Diosdado Cabello, who tries to disqualify the fact, claiming that “this is an old video” and that two months ago “the guy”, as he calls the FARC guerrillas, died in an unusual clash with the armed forces.

Cabello thus acknowledges that the FARC are in Venezuela, although the top government insisted on denying it, although Maduro lied to the country in ensuring that there were no guerrillas, at the same time that he expressed sympathy for the guerrilla commanders.

In reality, it is irrelevant, for the sovereignty of the country and the respect of the territory, whether what Cabello says about the death of the guerrillas of the army is true or not. Venezuela has no or should not have any relation with the war waged in Colombia for several decades, beyond the consequences that the inhabitants of its border suffer from the penetration of irregular groups, whether they are guerrillas. or paramilitaries or criminal gangs.

What is important is that there is a tacit recognition that this guerrilla is in Venezuelan territory, which reflects the complicity with irregular organizations.

The cynicism of the second vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and who occupied the most relevant, less president, positions in the Bolivarian revolution, is a striking example of the betrayal against Venezuela, the complicity in the face of interference foreign. Diosdado Cabello assumes that he can convince his supporters to ignore the presence of guerrillas on Venezuelan territory and rule out that he is being executed against the country to the north of the south.

Colombian government says dissident FARC leaders are in Venezuela
Colombian government says dissident FARC leaders are in Venezuela

And the most regrettable of its expressions is to say that this guerrilla is dead, as if that justified the installation of the Colombian irregular groups in Venezuela.

Silence before videos

At the end of July 2020, residents of the municipality of Seboruco, in the state of Táchira, reported meetings in several villages with members of the National Liberation Army (ELN). It was learned then that the communal councils facilitate the meetings that the guerrilla group has held in various villages to explain that they are in the area and what they are doing, making sure that they will help the community who, in a defenseless state, “like almost all the towns here,” according to what a guerrilla from the village of Las Flores told them.

For a long time, the ELN penetrated, with intelligence activities, people of the community, turning them into informants, and thus settled in villages such as Palmarito and Los Ríos.. “We are not allowed to enter these areas. We must respect these territories, and if we want to enter, for example, in the villages of Los Ríos, Las Flores or Palmarito, we must have the permission of the ELN, because they can kill us ”, declared at the time a military official in Infobae. .

In July 2020, the newspaper Time published a video in which Álvaro Díaz Tarazona aka Edward, a longtime member of the National Liberation Army (ELN), swears loyalty to Nicolás Maduro. “I am here to agree on a new link between the government and the ELN,” said the man in tacit recognition that there has been a relationship with Nicolás Maduro and his government.

Alias ​​Edward del ELN with Venezuelan ID card
Alias ​​Edward del ELN with Venezuelan ID card

Alias ​​Edwars, declared and confessed ELN guerrilla commander, has a Venezuelan identification number 25.712.140, which the National Electoral Council (CNE) assigns to him to vote at the Bolivarian primary school Caño Regreso, on the highway between La Victoria El Nula, Apure state, at the border.

The victims

In March 2012, the ELN assassinated First Lieutenant Jackson Alejandro Ruíz Niño and Deputy Sergeant Nelson Gómez Ortega, of 211 Ricaurte de Rubio Battalion, in the Baritalia sector, municipality of Junín del Táchira; He also injured First Sergeant Juan Pereira Amaya, all from the Venezuelan army.

In July 2018, one of the antipersonnel mines that the ELN planted on Venezuelan territory, exactly in the Caño Medio de Zulia sector, exploded as a military unit passed by, horribly killing Second Army Sergeant Brayan Alexánder Acosta. the 121 Venezuelan Motorized Infantry Battalion.

On July 25, 2018, in the Puente de Casa de Tubo sector, Catatumbo municipality, Zulia state, the ELN shot at a commission of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) assassinating Lieutenant (ex) Roberto Ulpin González.

In November 2018, the National Liberation Army (ELN) assassinated, in the Picatonal sector, the municipality of Átures of the State of Amazonas, three sergeants of the National Guard: Alfredo Antonio Zolano Guevara, Robert José Artahona Díaz and José Jean Pierre Martínez Bolívar.

As a result, the front commander Domingo Laín of the ELN, Luis Felipe Ortega Bernal, alias “Garganta”, was captured, leader of the group that murdered the soldiers; The individual was detained in the military police of Fuerte Tiuna, with privileges, and was then transferred to the prison of Ramo Verde, where he even had a girlfriend of the National Guard, as there had also been given the privilege of the state.

The identity card of the alias Garganta Comandante del ELN
The identity card of the alias Garganta Comandante del ELN

The most obvious fact of this bias is that the alias Garganta was released on December 18, 2020; He exited through the main gate of Ramo Verde, leaving the murder of the three soldiers Zolano, Díaz and Martínez with impunity.


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