Unusual: French cock, tried for singing too early


Rooster Mauritius, "tired," did not go to court on Thursday, nor did the couple of pensioners who brought the lawsuit.

The animal lives on the island of Oleron, in the south-west of France, where the cracks of dawn irritate the owners of a neighboring residence.

His story provoked many reactions in France, including that of the mayor of another southwestern town, Gajac, who asked the government to declare the sounds of the rural world as part of the "national heritage".

The owner of the bad, Corine Fesseau, said that she was willing to "dialogue, as long as she does not attack me". He accuses the plaintiffs, whom he ignores, of having "shut the door to everything" before the trial. His lawyer, Julien Papineau, said before the hearing Thursday that "no conciliation was possible".

The plaintiffs' lawyer, Vincent Huberdeau, said his "Customers have written to the Mayor of Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron, Christophe Sueur, to find a friendly arrangement. They sought a conciliation. They ask for peace and tranquility […] They just want the rooster locked up at night. It's an urbanization, we are not in the middle of the field"he added.


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