Unusual: had a pedophile manual and is still free


He is a Brazilian gynecologist. Justice does not find whistleblowers.

A "manual for pedophiles" was found on the computer of a Brazilian gynecologist, named Fabio Lima Duarte, who was arrested twice for this episode, while it contained a large stock images of child badgraphy. Justice – and in the same state is always present – for lack of complainants. This "manual" of 170 pages written in English is a kind of tutorial in which it describes in detail where to find children, how to approach and seduce them little by little. Even, he recommends first to look for children within the family, who are with single mothers or in parks and squares. The manual even offers simulations on the type of conversations to be had with minors. And, as if that were not enough, he teaches how to end a relationship that ends in a badual act and emphasizes to leaders that having bad with children is not disgusting.

This file was distributed in a circle of pedophiles and one of the computers where it was discovered is that of Lima Duarte, 36, who was originally accused of accessing more than 30,000 images related to child badgraphy in the country. period of one year. The Cybernetic Intelligence Laboratory of the Integrated Operations Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice of Brazil has traced this information. After identifying the volume of images, the doctor was one of the objectives of an operation launched by the civilian police of the State of Minas Gerais in October of last year .

When he became a prisoner, the gynecologist admitted that the material belonged to him and declared that he was addicted to this type of content. The defense asked to be released, arguing in the Superior Court that the doctor was suffering from "paraphilia" (a strange badual behavior). The court decided to grant him house arrest, after which he was released soon after. The person in charge of the investigation, Renata Ribeiro, asked the forensic experts to look for any indication that the doctor, in addition to being discharged, would have shared the illegal material, which would broaden his criminal record. But during the search, the discovery of this manual eventually surprised the investigators and sent the doctor back to prison. "We knew the case was bigger … But at the end of the investigation, I had very serious problems," Ribeiro said. They found images of explicit bad with children and adolescents produced by the doctor who, in addition, recorded intimate parts of about 100 patients during examinations and kept the videos in folders. with the name and a number that, according to the font, refers to the age. of the patient. They also found a digital file called "Natal" where the doctor would have bad with minors. However, none of these estimates were corroborated by a victim who denounced her, which gave rise to the possibility of a return to prison and the hope that this case will continue to progress.


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