Unusual: had twins of different parents | Chronic


A woman gave birth to twins and, after a genetic badysis, discovered that one of the babies was the son of her husband and the rest of her lover. The unusual event occurred in the city of Xiamen, China.

The case that caused a commotion in the east of the country was reported by the Xiamen Forensic Authentication Center. The couple performed a genetic badysis with the twins to prove their paternity as part of routine studies to register their children with the registry office.

When the results arrived, they discovered that the two babies were sharing DNA with their mother, but that one of them was not compatible with their father. In the first place, the woman accused her husband of falsifying the images, but she finally admitted to having bad with another man.

"Of course, I want my son, but I do not want to raise the son of another," says the father to the Chinese newspaper Detroit Herald.

The judicial authentication center of Fujian Zhegtai said that it was a strange case called "heteropaternal superfecondation". The director of the school added: "It's a strange fact, they're fraternal twins, with two different eggs, so the woman should have bad with both men a few days apart."

He detailed: "Normally, when a pregnancy occurs, the body usually blocks the release of more eggs, but sometimes this does not happen, so a new egg can be fertilized.


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