Unusual: he sued a rooster for "sound damage" but justice allowed him to continue singing


An unusual request He had introduced a retired couple owning a country house on the tourist island of Oléron, in southwestern France.

Annoyed by a giggling bad morning, wedding accused the owner of the animal of "sound damage". But a French court rejected the claim and also sentenced those who filed it to pay the owner of the rooster Maurice 1000 euros in damagessaid Julien Papineau, lawyer of the owner of the bird.

"It's a victory for all people in the same situation. I hope it serves as a precedent "commented Corinne Fesseau, the woman. The fate of the bad Maurice became a symbol of the resistance of the rural French. A petition to his defense has collected more than 140,000 signatures.

The rooster Maurice has become a symbol in France. (Photo: AFP / Xavier Leoty)
The rooster Maurice has become a symbol in France. (Photo: AFP / Xavier Leoty)

The plaintiffs 'attorney argued that their clients' vacation home It is located in a residential area St. Pierre de Oléron and, therefore, have the right to ask for silence. In another town in southwestern France, in Gajac, the mayor asked the government to declare the "sounds of the rural world" as part of the "national heritage" so that these types of complaints are not raised in court.

In a town in southeastern France, Saint-André-de-Valborgne, the mayor suspended a banner to warn visitors. "Attention, the French! You enter a French city at your own risk, "says the panel, broadcast by the mayor of the city in July on your Facebook account. "Here we have bells that ring regularly and roosters singing early. If you can not stand it, it's in the wrong place, "the message says.

The underlying conflict is the confrontation between inhabitants of the rural world and tourists and retirees that they escape from the city in search of silence and that they discover, for the worse, that the campaign has its own noises.


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