Unusual: he was fined for speeding while he was dragged by a crane


The crane brought him the car for a bad parking, but it was not his worst displeasure: a few days later, he was fined for speeding. The funny thing is that the cameras recorded this offense while their vehicle was dragged.

It arrived on a highway in Barcelona, ​​Spain. The vehicle, as it can be read in the report of the fine, reached 91 km / h on a road whose maximum speed was limited to 80 km / h. The penalty was 100 euros (they are about $ 4250) without loss of points.

It is at 91 km / h that it should go to maximum 80 km / h. The detail is that he was carried by a crane.
It is at 91 km / h that it should go to maximum 80 km / h. The detail is that he was carried by a crane.

Of course, when the driver found the breakdown of the violation of Servei Catalá del Tránsit (it is the Directorate of road traffic of Catalonia) he immediately thought about recovering. For this, he turned to a private Spanish company called Pyramid Consulting that "fights" the fines.

"It's a clear example that the radars are not well oriented or programmed and instead of registering the registration of the vehicle at fault (in this case the one that carries) takes the patent of the transported vehicle, "denounced one of the company's managers, Vanessa López, in front of the media of Auto Bild Spain.

López believes that "the fine will be annulled with the filing of administrative appeals", but warned that "if that did not happen, it would be possible to defend the courts"The photographic evidence is pretty clear, will the application be considered valid?


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