Unusual: he went to smoke marijuana in an abandoned house and he found a tiger


A man went to smoke marijuana at an abandoned house in Houston, Texas, and he found a 454 kilograms of tigress. The person whose identity was not revealed immediately alerted the authorities.

According to the story of the local police, the informant was reportedly very scared after the unexpected discovery. In addition, he claimed to have believed that it was a type of hallucination caused by the drug and not by a real tiger.

However, when the police entered the house to verify the truth of the complaint, they actually found a 454-kilogram tigress. locked in a cage in the garage.

Lara Cottingham, the head of the department of administration and regulatory affairs of the city, said: "The animal was in a cage quite small inside the house, which was not in the best conditions. "It was important that we take him out of this situation," he concluded.

Tweet of the channel KPRC 2 Houston: "Tiger found in an abandoned house"

The feline was sedated and transferred to BARC Houston, a local organization dedicated to the care of animals. While the authorities are looking to find the person responsible for keeping the tigress under these conditions, the staff of the institution is already working in search of a new house.

"This is not the first time that BARC has picked up a tiger, "Cottingham explained.According to the woman," people think it's fun to have an exotic pet. "However, because of high costs that of his maintenance and danger it involves living with animals of these characteristics, eventually abandoning them.

So they moved the animal


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