Unusual: I wanted yogurt, I got confused and took a pot of paint


A 90-year-old New Yorker who wanted to drink yoghurt he got confused with a container and took a can of paint green After his discovery, Alex Stein, his granddaughter, did not hesitate to publish his grandfather's amusing story on social networks. In just a few hours, the publication became viral.

"It turned out that my grandfather Bobby had taken half a liter of paint thinking that it was yogurt," she wrote on her Twitter account. Surprisingly, the image of the man with all the mouth of green color he harvested nearly half a million "I like" in a few days.

As usual, the publication generated comments for and against. While some joked with questions such as: "What flavor do paint pots buy at home?", Others worried and wrote: "This is not funny, something could have happened to him ".

Bobby's photo after finishing with a half-green paint minister (Source: @ alexsteinnn on Twitter).
Bobby's photo after finishing with a half-green paint minister (Source: @ alexsteinnn on Twitter).

For his part, Alex said through the social network that "it's just an elderly person with an ego through the roof, because Now he thinks he's very funny"In addition, the young woman decided to bring tranquility to all those who feared for the health of her grandfather." He has already done all the routine medical examinations and enjoys a perfect state of health, he said.

Finally, Bobby, who has an Instagram account, also wrote a small message referring to what happened and said, "Apparently, I took some paint this morning." To be honest,tasted better than yoghurt!, so #sinremordimientos ".


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