Unusual: in Turkey, cardboard patrol cars were installed to reduce speed of drivers


Yesterday it was learned that the Buenos Aires government will control the top speed with new photomultas radars located at Genral Paz Avenue, one of the most traditional measures to combat this infringement. However, in Turkey, they apply a very different one: they place boxes on the side of the road they claim to be patrollers.

The particular system is not new in this country, where they ensure its effectiveness … at least the first time. The photos were uploaded to Twitter by the official police account of the road from Radford, United Kingdom and they published them to know the opinion of their supporters.

One carton. The same goes for patrollers who put Turkey on the side of the road. Photo: Twitter Radford Road Police.
One carton. The same goes for patrollers who put Turkey on the side of the road. Photo: Twitter Radford Road Police.

The recreation of the patrol car is made in such a way that, at a distance, it really looks like. He has the colors, the dark glbades and even the silhouette of an officer in the interior. Of course, as you approach, you discover the truth.

In addition, he has a solar panel (really) accumulate energy and power the clbadic police lights installed on the roof, another way to give realism to "simulacra" and a detail particularly effective at night.

"They shared these photos with us via Facebook,we cut cars with flashing lights next to the road? What are people's thoughts? "They wrote.

"It worked initially, I drove to Turkey and when I saw them, I was very careful. In the distance, they really seem"commented the user Ryan.

Can you imagine how Argentine pilots?


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