Unusual: Pinedo presented a project of mining in the space


It seems like a lie, but no. The national senator Federico Pinedo was encouraged to think about the Argentina of the future, but gives the impression that he was too much ahead in time. In particular, the legislator proposed "regulating the exploration and exploitation of mineral deposits located in outer space".

For there to be no doubt, it states in its foundations that the objective is "exploit the raw materials of asteroids and planets", at the same time that minerals could be extracted "in situ or by various procedures capture asteroids and bring them into orbit near the Earth for further processing. "

Although countries such as the United States, Germany, Luxembourg and Russia have already advanced with similar legislation, in Argentina, the reality is that this type of projects looks like a comic stage.

However, in his own project, Pinedo badures that it is a "effective tool to promote the creation of new businesses in the country. "Not only because of the economic opportunities involved, but also because it will lead to technological breakthroughs that will have obvious repercussions on other economic and social sectors," he added.

Even the national legislator has stressed that "in the understanding that initiatives like the one I am proposing will generate new investments and new employment opportunities in Argentina".

The Pinedo project includes the licensing of private companies to "extract, transport, use, sell or execute any legal act concerning mineral resources obtained in space or asteroids located therein". In addition, it is specified that at the time of issuance of permits, "sufficient experience" of interested parties will be evaluated to complete the work.

Article 9 provides for the possibility that things do not go as planned and states that "the licensee shall be solely responsible for damage caused to the State or to third parties for the purpose of exploration and exploitation" .

With this project, Pinedo intends to place the vanguard in the country and private capital is investing in Argentina to start, from here, space missions to extract minerals or to attract asteroids for the same purpose. This will be possible? A priori, the nation is late in the race not only the technological development existing in Germany, the United States and Russia, but also the labor legislation and taxation of these countries. To make the landing of investors a little more tempting, Pinedo proposes that the transfer and use of minerals obtained in accordance with the regime of this law be governed by the tax regulations applicable to the free zones. "

Read the complete project:


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