Unusual rain of diamonds and gold ingots that fell from an airplane


Although for many it was always impossible, the desire became reality: the money fell from the sky. But not in the form of banknotes or coins. But diamonds and gold bullion.

The unusual event occurred in Siberia, Russia. When a plane was about to take off from Yakutsk city airport, a room was broken and the cargo in the interior He began to fall on the runway.

But it was not a suitcase or a bag. But, as stated by the authorities, ten tons gold, platinum and diamonds. In total, everything It was valued at $ 380 million.

Russian journalist Roman Pesterev shared the unusual picture of gold bullion on the runway.
Russian journalist Roman Pesterev shared the unusual picture of gold bullion on the runway.

Once the notice has been sent, the transfer staff managed to recover 172 gold ingots who had been dispersed instead. On the other hand, the technical engineers who prepared the shipment were stopped by this serious mistake.

The Russian journalist, Roman Pesterev, was responsible for the viralisation of what had happened. Through social networks, he shared the striking photo of the track with all the gold on the ground, frozen by the low temperatures prevailing in the region.


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