Unusual: register 15 sheep in a rural school to avoid closing a class


Students "Saute-Mouton" (ram of Salta), "Baaaaah-Beast" (onomatopoeia of bleating) and "Panurge" (to hide)among others, were included in the lists of Crets school in Belledone.

L & # 39; school had been informed in March that one of his eleven clbades was likely to close in September, with the beginning of the new course, after a slight decrease in enrollments, from 266 to 261 students.

This Tuesday morning, a local farmer entered the school with about fifty sheep and his dog, and fifteen of them (with their birth certificate in order) were enrolled in the presence of students, parents and teachers.

Gaëlle Laval, a member of an badociation of parents and one of the organizers of the initiative said: "Here, there are children in trouble, but the National Education does not care about the arguments on the ground, but only numbers".

"With that, the closure should not take place" of clbad, smiles Gaëlle Laval, who recognized "to have played with humor to mobilize people", and thus avoid a real "disaster" in this school, in the local town hall has invested heavily in recent years.

The students' parents also pointed out that with a closed clbad, the other smaller ones would have a large overweight of children at the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year clbades.


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