Unusual: Ricardo Caruso Lombardi met with a government official to complain about the rate


The technician received a gas bill of 20,000 pesos and requested an exclusive meeting.

February 21, 2019

The tarifazos they provoke the indignation of all citizens, who pay exorbitant prices for their services and cause headaches. And not only ordinary users, but also popular personalities, such as the technical director Ricardo Caruso Lombardi.

Controversial for his frontal style in his appearances in the media, He was enraged after receiving a 20,000 pesos bill and protested the increase in the number of exclusive meetings with a government official.

The meeting took place, as recorded on the web of the official hearings, on December 10 at 11 am in the building at Suipacha 636, 10th floor.

Who received the technical histrionic was Mauricio Ezequiel Roitman, the owner of the football fan of the National Gas Regulator (Enargas) and fan of River Plate. In addition, at the meeting were also the vice president of the entity, Daniel Alberto Perrone and Néstor Daniel Touzet, who is responsible for the regulation of commercial management.


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