Unusual support messages for Abel Albino after stating that condoms do not prevent AIDS: "It's an eminence"


Abel Albino has again generated controversy after being badured that the condom does not prevent the spread of AIDS. " The virus pbades through the porcelain ," said the renowned pediatrician during the presentation on the sixth day of the Senate debate, where legislators receive specialists for and against the legal abortion project. Critics have not been slow in coming. Specialists like Fundación Huésped and renowned gynecologists have refuted their arguments. In networks there was repudiation, but many users have defended it.

There were several messages of support that underscored his broad professional career as a way to endorse his words.

" Applause !!! An eminence Don Albino …", wrote in TN.com.ar the user Estheban Teo. The message is just one of the many who filled social networks. " Totally Agree Dr. ALBINO, a great physician who contributed, planned and devoted himself to the plan to fight malnutrition in Chile," added Rami González in Facebook, which was also favorable to the sayings of the professional.

  The series of comments in favor of the doctor.
The series of comments in favor of the doctor.

In his presentation, Albino stated that "condoms do not work against AIDS". In a few minutes, the sentence ignited social networks for and against the doctor. " Few people in this country have done as much as" Abel Albino ", writes on Twitter, Agustín Daireaux.

Few people in this country have done as much as Abel Albino. However for the media it is more important what says Flor de La V or a service actress. #Aborto # Salvemoslas2vidas

– Agustin Daireaux (@agustindeaux) 25 July 2018

The position of Albino is known to all: the pediatrician is against the 39 and he rejects the project which has half the sanction and so he specified it in his presentation. "Abortion kills a child who is not yet able to live outside the womb, it is the violent expulsion of the child when it is n & # 39; Is not yet viable, "he said. Users also took the opportunity to support this position.

  One of the many messages of support to Albino.
One of the many messages of support to Albino.

" Strong but very true Dr. We can not make and undo an individual – embryo – as if it was thrown or bad is the most wonderful thing that God gives us in life. do not have a voice, "said Sandra Conradi, just above the commentary of Angela Castillo, who shares her position:" Life is the creation of God from the moment of conception. "

  Facebook, people have expressed themselves in favor of the professional.
On Facebook, people have expressed themselves in favor of the professional.

The series of comments in support of the doctor were several, like that of Alejandro Vega, who was "in agreement" with Albino and who said that "abort because that I have the impression that it is not the right thing to do ".

  No more messages in favor of the pediatrician.
No more messages in favor of the pediatrician.

Albino had already generated controversy by describing homobaduality as "a problem that has no decisive cause that we eliminate and that's all" and claiming that bad "is a marvel to contribute to the creative work of God, do not entertain me." On this occasion, he also spoke out against the use of condoms, saying that this method "may fail".

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