Unusual: the polls were not good for Trump and he sent back the pollsters


US President Donald Trump today fired three investigators who worked for him after poll results showed the tycoon was late on Democratic candidates in some key states, the media reported today. local

Trump, 73, is expected to formally announce tomorrow the start of his election campaign for a second presidential term in Orlando, Florida, one of the states – along with Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – in which the president appears at a disadvantage compared to l & # 39; old. Vice President Joe Biden, reported the CNN television channel.

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Investigations conducted by Trump's campaign team show that Biden enjoys 55% support in Pennsylvania, versus 39% for the president, while in Wisconsin, the Democratic party benefits from the same. support of 51%, against 41% for Trump. , which also appears seven points behind Biden in Florida.

These are key states for a victory in the November 2020 elections, whose president will leave for the period 2021-2024.

In a message posted on his Twitter account, Trump advised his followers today not to believe the polls that show him under the Democrats.

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"Only fake polls show us behind the motley group," said the president, referring to the 20 Democratic candidates. "We look really good, but it is too early to focus on that, there is a lot to do!"

Only fake polls show us behind the Motley Crew. We seem really good, but it is too early to focus on that. A lot of work to do! MAKE A GREAT AMERICA AGAIN!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 17, 2019

At the same time, the Washington Post said the three dismissed pollsters were Brett Lloyd, Mike Baselice and Adam Geller, while two others, Tony Fabrizio and John McLaughlin, had kept their jobs.

According to media reports, the Fabrizio poll shows that Trump is late on Biden in other states having contributed to his victory in 2016, including in Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio and the United States. Georgia.

Once the results of these investigations were revealed, Trump campaign director Brad Parscale confirmed that the numbers came from internal opinion polls, but were consistent with those of March.

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The Washington Post quoted a senior government official who did not identify the identity of the author. Trump "is more furious because the results have been made public than the results themselves".

The campaign team has already hired dozens of people and adopts a very different profile from the improvised, inexperienced team in politics with which Trump won the Republican presidential nomination and then the presidency in 2016.

In recent weeks, Trump has denied in an irritated tone that he was receiving polls that showed him as a possible loser.

"These investigations do not exist," he told ABC News. "I just met someone who is a pollster and I win everywhere, so I do not know what they're talking about," he said at that time.


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