Unusual: they use orange juice to test positive for Covid and miss school | the Chronicle


Since Coronavirus pandemic millions of students around the world have had to adapt to online courses. Video calls by Zoom O Google Meet, virtual classes, groups of WhatsApp and an endless number of educational platforms have been implemented to improve education and make it possible from a distance.

For over a year, going to school or university meant turning on the computer and sitting in front of it for a few hours, but as the epidemiological situation turned favorable for some countries, their governments decided to return little by little to the presence. . . .

However, there are some students who prefer do not go to school in person and for this, they found an unusual method of skipping class: using orange juice to give positive covid.

At England controversial technique of using a rapid detection kit to coronavirus Yes Orange juice. This trick goes through social networks, like TIC Tac e Instagram, and alerted the educational community of Liverpool.

The procedure involves placing a few drops of juice, although there are examples with gases like Coca-Cola or Pepsi, in a quick test. This mechanism can give a positive result for the acidity of the drink which removes antibody proteins from the test.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the Gateacre school of Belle Vale, Liverpool, alerted parents in the educational community to this new viral trend and asked them to be “extremely caring” in case your children need to take the test.

However, some videos have revealed that this methodology can fail and give a negative result instead of a positive result.


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