Unusual: to preserve the environment, Bolsonaro offers to poop a day yes and a day no


The president of the far right has thus answered the question of a journalist on the possibility of reconciling "economic growth and preservation of the environment", taking into account the challenge of feeding the growing world population . "Just eat a little less, you talk about environmental pollution. Just by poo yes, day no, we will improve our lives a lot", ironically at the exit of the presidential residence in Brasilia.

"The world is growing 70 million people a year, need a planning policyBolsonaro went on to say that he does not refer to a "birth control", a concept against which many Christian churches who support it struggle. "Do not write that it's a check because Folha will declare tomorrow that it needs birth control," he added, referring to Folha de S.Paulo, one of the largest newspapers in the country, often criticizes government policies.

"You can see that people who have more culture have fewer children.I am an exception to the rule, I have five."

Bolsonaro asked in recent weeks the official figures revealing a sharp increase in deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in recent months (+ 90% in June and + 278% in July compared to the same months of last year). On Monday, he described as "bad Brazilians" who "dare to campaign with liars" against the Brazilian Amazon.

On Tuesday, in front of business leaders, the former army captain joked about his perception of the alien. "Outside Brazil, I'm Captain Chainsaw"he said.

In addition, yesterday he fired the director of the Institute for Space Research (INPE), which publishes deforestation data based on satellite observations.


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