Unusual: US Senator posted a photo of his background office on Zoom to disguise he was driving


The moment a senator is in session while driving

A state senator from Ohio, United States named Andrew Brenner has been on the cover of hundreds of international portals for a very curious fact: was discovered driving while in a virtual meeting with a photo of his office in the background.

Brenner, who was linked by Zoom of the Budget Committee of Ohio, appeared at first sitting in his car, but is detained. So far everything seemed normal. A few minutes later he was disconnected and, when he reappeared in the image, he was seen with the photo of his office in the background.

The visual effect was not enough to mask that he was driving and, therefore, to commit a serious offense. It was clear that he was wearing his seat belt, was in motion and occasionally moved the steering wheel.

The virtual session was broadcast live on Ohio Parliamentary Public Television. Viewers could instantly see that he was looking sideways at railway crossings, that the lighting changed as he passed under a bridge, or that the outside was seen through the window because application software cannot cover everything.

To all this, at the time the senators they were discussing the law 283, which proposes tougher penalties against drivers who use mobile phones while driving.

“I was attentive to the road and only listened to what was being said. That day I had two events in a row in different places. And before, he’d taken calls while driving. Most by phone, but also a few video calls. I don’t pay attention to the video, to me it’s like any phone conversation, ”said Brenner hours later, viewed by local newspaper The Columbus Dispatch.

Cell phone, a danger while driving

According to the Center for Experimentation and Road Safety (Cesvi), distracted driving contributes to the 63% of serious claims in Argentina. Today, the most frequent is the use of the cell phone.

the 45% of drivers Argentines have acknowledged that they use cell phones in one way or another while driving, a dangerous practice that increases the risk of accidents. Including Check it out, answer calls and up to write text messages, says a study by Cecaitra.

A car at 100 km / h travels 28 meters per second, that is to say look at the cell phone screen four seconds means leave more than a blind block.

According to the International Automobile Federation (FIA), unlocking the cell phone takes five seconds. That nothing exceeds 20 km / h 27 meters without looking at the road.

To demonstrate the danger talking on the phone Cesvi conducted an experiment. He asked 100 drivers to walk around a circuit without speaking first, then do it hands-free. In the latter case 90% made mistakes, mainly to get out of the circuit.


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