Unusual welcome from Queen Elizabeth to the Argentine Ambassador – News


Argentina’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Javier Figueroa, presented his letters of credence to England’s Queen Elizabeth II, in an unusual ceremony marked by the coronavirus restrictions that still persist in that country.

The hearing, which should have been held last year and was postponed due to the pandemic, took place virtually and in person.

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The Argentinian arrived by float at Buckingham Palace, as required by protocol. Then he walked to a room where it is the ceremony that qualifies him as Ambassador to the United Kingdom.

Live and direct Queen Elizabeth appeared on a screen sitting on a piece of furniture and spoke about Windsor Castle, where the pandemic is going through.

Last year, Figueroa presented copies of his credentials to Foreign Office Deputy Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, Victoria Busby, who greeted him on behalf of the UK government.

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“It was a very formal interview and I also pointed out that I had instructions to work on all aspects of the complex bilateral relationship that the UK and our country have,” the ambassador said.

As the tradition of British protocol shows, the Argentine Ambassador and his wife, Alessandra Viggiano Marra, also a diplomat, were picked up by tanks at the official residence and taken to Buckingham Palace, visiting areas of the center from the British capital.

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The Queen’s Marshal, Alistair Harrison, head of the monarch’s diplomatic corps, was tasked with finding the ambassador at the official residence of the Argentine embassy headquarters and accompanying him to Buckingham.

During the audience, the Ambassador took the opportunity to convey greetings from President Alberto Fernández and the people of Argentina to the Queen.

He also said that during the conference the monarch was interested in the situation Argentina is currently going through with the pandemic and asked how the country was in this regard.

The Ambassador reported that during the meeting, the Queen spoke with his wife, who is also the head of the Embassy’s Culture Section, and they discussed the cultural agenda set for this year.


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