Unusual: Woman suffered from nose pain for 37 years and PCR test revealed surprising reason


This woman lived for 37 years with a child's play coin stuck in her nose (Photo: stuff.co.nz)
This woman lived for 37 years with a child’s play coin stuck in her nose (Photo: stuff.co.nz)

For most of his life Mary mccarthy, a kitchen worker in a hospital in New Zealand, lived with pain in the right side of the nose, constant boredom to which he has become accustomed.

But last year, after an extremely painful COVID-19 PCR test, this discomfort became unbearable to the point of falling ill. The reason, however, remained unknown.

After consulting several doctors, the surgeon at Christchurch hospital removed a yellow piece of winks, a very popular children’s board game in the country, 37 years after getting lodged on top of her nose as a child.

The surgeon also removed the calcified material who had grown up around the room.

Wink, is a game created in England in the decade of 1860 which uses sets of small disc-shaped pieces called “winks“.

It turns out that when she was just 8, the woman who is now 45 played with her seven siblings for winks and in the middle of the game he ended up with one of the small pieces on his nose. Is that The children began to stick the pieces in their noses and blow them hard to see how far they would go.

I accidentally inhaled one once instead of blowing it out, and was a little scared to tell my mom, so I didn’t. I remember being terrified then, thinking where did he go? “the woman told local media.

McCarthy spoke to the press while still in hospital, where he was admitted last Friday after surgery. She said she still had a sore nose although she was excited because for the first time in over three decades she could breathe normally through her right nostril.

Now her story is unusual and laughable, which began as a little girl fearing her mother’s punishment and she ended up with an operation in her adult life to remove something that had bothered her from the start.

“I’ve always had trouble breathing through my nose over the years, but I never really thought about it.”, he claimed.

But last year the problem got worse. After a COVID-19 nasal swab test in October, she felt pain for several days and then he started to develop serious problems.

“My nose was constantly running and I was in a lot of pain”, asserted the woman. He saw several general practitioners who attributed the pain to a chronic sinus condition.

“I have a lot of problems in my life, so I put them on the back burner”, counted. McCarthy has a severely austite son, Michael, 22, who does not speak and lives entirely in his care.

The Tiddlywink play that was on Mary McCarthy's nose (Photo: stuff.co.nz)
The Tiddlywink play that was on Mary McCarthy’s nose (Photo: stuff.co.nz)

So he decided not to get checked out until August of this year, when he made an appointment with a private otolaryngologist.

But the infection was no joke, and he needed urgent attention. Fortunately, she works in the kitchen of a hospital, so she went for a check-up when the pain became unbearable.

“Fortunately, the nurse and doctor thought it was more than sinus pain. They asked me if I had ever put anything in my nose and I told them about it. wink, like laughing “, remember McCarthy

Nail computed tomography revealed an object at the top of the nose, although it does not look like a wink. The doctor tried to remove it while she was awake, but it was too big and too painful.

In operation the object was pushed through its nose and extracted through its mouth. The Covid test had dislodged the disc and caused an infection.

“When I woke up I said, what was that? And they said it was the laughter of the hospital a wink he hadn’t even lost his color. There were calcifications around and that’s probably why my nose was a bit crooked “, he concluded.

McCarthy said he now hopes for an easier life to breathe and a straighter nose.


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