Up to $ 230, rotation and payment: how the Taliban’s “social plans” work in Afghanistan


A land mired in poverty, war and despair. Life in Afghanistan is increasingly unpredictable and the future grows darker with the recent Taliban takeover. The social context shows that out of a total of 32 million people, 18 million citizens receive humanitarian aid. According to UNICEF, half are boys and girls, of whom nearly a million are on the verge of malnutrition.

“A very limited number of humanitarian organizations have provided negligible assistance to orphans,” he complained to TN Azeem Agha, the director of the Commission for the Needy, Orphans and Disabled of the Islamic Emirate, a virtual Taliban Minister of Social Development. He is a long-time public servant who held positions under the first Taliban government in Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, after the US invasion he fled to Pakistan, where he was arrested and released in 2013.

We gave each family between $ 58 and $ 230 per month. We help 25% of family groups, but the others find themselves without receiving cash containment because there is not so much budget, ”said Azeem in dialogue with TN. The Social Assistance Commission, together with the Energy, Agriculture, Education and Complaints Commission, has been operating since 2009 as part of the de facto state that the Islamist organization has organized in the territories. under his control.

Grants are awarded on a rotating basis and last 8 months, contributions are essential to support family economies where women cannot work due to extreme application of Sharia or Islamic law. Azeem believes that both the United States and NATO should take care of the maintenance of the families of the “martyrs” of their countries.

The Taliban face the challenge after 20 years of running a much more complex state, modernized with aid from the United States and the European Union but now facing a massive exodus of officials in recent weeks.

Azeem Agha, the head of the Commission for the Needy, Orphans and Handicapped of the Islamic Emirate, a virtual social development minister of the Taliban. Source: TN.com.ar

“America and NATO have carried out malicious actions against us for the past twenty years, they have used various efforts to eliminate us, weaken us and dishonor us in front of our own people,” Spin’s dialogue official said. Buldak, a town on the border with Pakistan where Amnesty International has recorded serious human rights violations by the Taliban.

Although some public offices are operational again, schools and universities remain closed.

The Taliban Minister of Education has already announced that back to school will be separate and that only women will be able to attend classes in front of students of their gender, which prevents millions of girls in the country from having access to education.

“As for each country and its people, there is a belief and a religion under which the people and their public administration act and obey, therefore Afghanistan’s next government will be ruled by an administration that conforms to Islamic religion and faith“, Explained the head of the Taliban by telephone to TN.


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