Urtubey bets on "something much wider than Peronism" and does not rule out adding radicals – 18/07/2018


The governor of Salta and one of the main references of justicialismo, Juan Manuel Urtubey said Tuesday the need for "to do something much wider than Peronism" facing the elections of 2019, and did not rule out adding radical leaders to this structure

In the Animales Sueltos program, the provincial leader said that "definitely" should include radicals in the electoral proposal non-Kirchner Peronism

. "I work for Peronism to build an alternative to overcome and I want this political space to win the elections next year. With two requirements: one, that we can build a vigorous institution, I do not want from the political space we must give explanations for the cases of corruption of others, secondly, we must do something much wider than Peronism, "he said.

El Obernador reiterated the need to build a space that encompbades other forces than Peronism and acknowledged: "We have done wrong things and we must realize that we must reverse that. "

Consulted by the possibility that Cristina Fernández is a candidate in 2019, Urtubey replied: "If you want to present, at the right time, you must win the elections."

After his statements on The Network radio, the governor said that "does not serve" to have the former president in an alliance with Peronism because "guarantees that you lose" the elections.

On the other hand, said that "missing a lot" for the elections and warned: "Anything can happen, until you can probably have a future president you do not know not. "

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