Urtubey is tested costume suit with visit to Bolivia


During his visit to Tarija, the president stressed "the historical link" between Salta and Bolivia by calling "Strengthen the construction of the long-awaited Great Motherland". A speech with the tone of a candidate.

The President of Salta emphasized the strong relationship that has existed for years, especially with Tarija and Santa Cruz de la Sierra. "We are brother countries that we know we must do together to make our people better every day," he added.

It should be recalled that several agreements have been signed in recent years. The last, signed in March, aimed at reciprocity and compensation in health to gradually develop the benefits and conditions guaranteeing the effective exercise of the right to health.


Press Gobernación de Salta

Urtubey attended with his wife Isabel Macedo at the central events of the anniversary of the Battle of Tablada and shared with the Tarijeños the tribute that this people gave to the heroes who contributed to the independence of Bolivia.

The day was led by the governor of the department of Tarija, Adrián Oliva Alcázar; by the mayor of the capital, Rodrigo Paz Pereira, and the president of the county legislative badembly, Sara Armella, among others. Governor Urtubey was part of the tribute to the heroes Eustaquio Méndez, Gregorio Aráoz de Lamadrid and Martín Miguel de Güemes.

The national, departmental, local, institutional and regimental authorities stationed in the southern region of Bolivia participated in the civic military parade.

As a sign of a common past, governors Adrián Oliva Alcázar and Juan Manuel Urtubey paraded on horseback in commemoration of the heroes of the gauchos and chapacos who fought for the independence of Argentina and the Dominican Republic. Bolivia.


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