Urtubey with Abdo: "We must deepen policies of social integration in the region" | Chronic


The Republic of Paraguay adheres to Salta's early childhood model as the third country to demand this strategy and public policy from the provincial government.

Urtubey and the President of Paraguay held a meeting at the House of Governments of that country. "We agree on the need to deepen our integration, especially with regard to social integration policies"said Salta.

After the meeting Juan Manuel Urtubey and the president of Mario Abdo Benítez, the Ministry of Early Childhood of Salta and the Ministry of Children and Adolescents of the Republic of Paraguay signed a commitment to technological cooperation and training.

"Argentina, Paraguay and each country in the region should strengthen their integration, especially in social integration policies, on which we really need to put a lot of emphasis", Urtubey said in addition to highlighting the links that unite the neighboring country and Salta: "We are brother cities", enfranchised.

This tool arrives in Paraguay at the request of his first lady, Silvana Abdo López Moreirawhich asked the Government of Salta to cooperate in the areas of childhood, family, health and social welfare. "I am very grateful for the contribution of Salta, we are very happy with the work they showed us with early childhood"he said Silvana Abdo.

For his part, the Federal Alternative presidential candidate pointed to Paraguay's growth at the regional level, noting that it is a country that has shown that "With fiscal discipline and fiscal solvency, problems that some people think can not be solved in the region can be solved – Paraguay is an example of what can be done.".

And he added that he understands that, "In child protection policies, we must be as effective as possible with public spending to obtain, with the same resources, better results".

The memorandum signed by the Minister of Early Childhood of Salta, Carlos Abeleira and the Minister of Children and Adolescents of Paraguay, Teresa MartínezWill enable the Paraguayan national government to integrate the tools and methodologies developed by the Ministry of Early Childhood in Salta to design, implement and monitor its strategies and policies across the country.

The Salta government model was created by early childhood specialists to create, coordinate, evaluate and improve public actions and strategies in December 2014 on the decision of Governor Urtubey to grant priority status and state policy to an operational model. against poverty that affects people and mainly early childhood.

It should be remembered that Urtubey presented this model in Mexico City last October, invited to a forum where 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus participated in the framework of the meeting on global values ​​where he stressed that "The eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions is the greatest challenge facing the world and a prerequisite for the sustainable development of our peoples".


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