Uruguay: a week after the elections, they denounce the harassment of the mayor of Colonia


he Mayor of the Uruguayan city Colonia del Sacramento, Carlos Moreira, was today involved in an alleged case of sexual harassment, one week after the general elections in Uruguay.

It all started when the main newspaper of this country, The country, published that Moreira, the National Party (PN), is the author of a series of messages that asked a woman to have sex in exchange for the renewal of her work, according to the agency of Press Tel.

In one of the audios, a woman asks Moreira to renew her internship, but the head of the commune refuses and destroys it: "Unless you come to convince me personally. "

Then they agree to see each other at night and, in a second audio recording, Moreira expresses her desire to "to have sex"with the woman.

Moreira is defended during a press conference

Following the scandal, the branch of the Socialist Party (PS) in Cologne asked by a statement to "immediate resignation"from Moreira and held that"the seriousness of the facts forces the mayor to withdraw".

The socialist leaders who make up the Frente Amplio, at the head of the national government, They do not rule out engaging in political actions, perhaps a political or legal trial against Moreira.

In 90% of the cases, the aggressor is a man, a family or a representative

The mayor gave a press conference during which he defended himself. "I do not know when it was recorded. It certainly goes back to months. It has just appeared a week before the elections"He emphasized in principle, and then he said," This is a person with whom I had a relationship a long time ago. "It's not a neighbor of more than Cologne."

Moreira also said: "It has caused enormous damage in my political life and in my family life."He also said that he would not give up:



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