Uruguay also differed from Argentina and expressed concern about Cuba’s “lack of guarantees for freedom of expression”


The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou (Europa Press)
The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou (Europa Press)

The Uruguayan government on Wednesday expressed concern over “The lack of guarantees for the exercise of the right to free expression and peaceful demonstration” in Cuba.

Through a press release signed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the executive of Luis Lacalle Pou underlined that “Cuban citizens complain about lack of medicine, food and basic freedoms”.

“Uruguay swears that in the sister Republic of Cuba channels of dialogue are encouraged and full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms is guaranteed, in accordance with international standards in this area, ”the letter concludes.

Declaration of the Uruguayan Foreign Ministry
Declaration of the Uruguayan Foreign Ministry

Two days after historic mass protests in Cuba, first death confirmed, the regime continues to cut the internet across the island and a strong police presence is maintained, as family and friends search for those arrested during the protests.

The people arrested total more than 150, Human Rights Watch (HRW) says, and activists denounce Sunday arrests Other opponents, activists and independent journalists joined in the following days. The regime did not give official figures.

A group of people was recorded last Sunday, while demonstrating in front of the Cuban capital, in Havana (Cuba).  EFE / Ernesto Mastrascusa
A group of people was recorded last Sunday, while demonstrating in front of the Cuban capital, in Havana (Cuba). EFE / Ernesto Mastrascusa

The Lacalle Pou administration thus joins that of the Chilean Sebastián Piñera and those of other leaders in the region who have expressed their concern at the enslavement of rights on the island. This position also exposes the official gaze of the government of Alberto Fernández, which so far has avoided commenting on the matter.

On Monday, in a radio interview, the president claimed that the massive protests and actions of the Díaz-Canel government are conflicts that must be resolved internally. “I don’t know exactly the extent of the problem in Cuba. It is not Argentina or any country in the world that has to say what Cuba should do, “he said.

These are all things the people have to solve, it is not I who should tell the people what to do. It is neither Argentina nor any country in the world that is saying what to do. Yes, we must promote the peace of the peoples and that the peoples find dialogue, this is what I have always raised about Venezuela ”, declared the Argentine president.

The main opposition leaders have made much more precise statements. This morning, Mauricio Macri and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta agreed to demand the peaceful demonstrations of the Cuban people.

Total misinformation without the Internet

Disinformation in Cuba today is not limited to the whereabouts of those arrested – a small group of whom have been released in the past 24 hours, sources close to them say – but everything related to the explosion social on the island, since authorities cut off mobile internet service and hardly anyone in Cuba can afford Wi-Fi.

The internet blackout is causing part of the country’s activities, which have gone online due to the pandemic, to shut down.

We can’t work offline these days, let’s see what happens», He told EFE professor at a university in Havana where classes and other activities have been virtual for months.

First killed in protests

Authorities confirmed the first death in the protests on Tuesday, a 36-year-old citizen who died Monday in a clash with agents of the People’s Council of Güinera from the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, a marginal neighborhood in southern Havana where residents took to the streets shouting “freedom” .

In addition to those who died, several people were arrested and others were injured, including law enforcement officials, during the Güinera event.


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