Uruguay: An Argentinean paragliding instructor dropped to the sea in La Pedrera was found dead


The moment of the fall in paragliding

MONTEVIDEO. Dead, entangled in his paragliding and at the edge of the sea. This is how the body of Argentine instructor Leandro Ramos appeared this morning,
Last Sunday he had not been able to escape the accident that occurred in the waters of the Uruguayan spa resort La Pedrera.

"I looked from above with the binoculars and saw that something was moving in the wave; I ran down and saw that it was 39, was the paraglider in which the sea brought him back, "said Senon Pereira, the man who discovered the body of Ramos. .

"I threw myself, I held it a little, I squeezed it as much as I could and a neighbor appeared, he ran out and helped us with a rope to tie," he said. added the villager.

This neighbor, Pablo García, told the TV news "Telemundo 12" that he had gone out "to walk like every morning" and when he went down into "the unwanted area" he was seeing in Senon that he "was desperate because the paraglider was in place, reciprocated, he took it and brought it." Then, Garcia ran "to find a rope" and managed to l & rsquo; # 39; attaching. "Everything is wet and at least we could bear it until the arrival of the prefecture," Garcia said.

The family of Ramos, an Argentinian who had reached the beaches of Rocha a little less than a month ago with the intention of going around South America, but who had "fallen In love with La Pedrera, had organized "baptism" flights for locals or tourists. They wanted to live this experience.

On Sunday, around four o'clock in the afternoon, Cecilia Corso flew this flight with the Argentine instructor while other tourists were waiting their turn.

"It was my turn and we went out to film everything, a beauty, an incredible experience, when we came back, he cut the engine and said: what did you think? something that I have done in my life, "Corso told Telemundo. . But we had to fly again and that was the problem.

"He restarted the engine, I do not know what happened but it was when we started to fall, I do not know if the noise is natural when the engine starts, the engine stopped, I planned and we restarted it, we started spinning, I started it told me that the world was turning, when I realized that we crashed into the water, a terrible blow from the right side, "said the accident at the accident.

He added that he supposed that it could have happened to him "at other times" and that he "would know how to react" to such a situation. The first thing he felt was Leonardo's support for him to leave. "I was on the back but with the water about 30 or 40 centimeters from my face, I could not breathe, he tried to pull the harness several times, but I could not and j & # 39; I continued to struggle, "Cecilia said.

He managed to remove his harness, could breathe, dive to get up and try to continue. "I breathed a little and I approached, he was head out of the water and I said: try to pull off your harness.I'm approaching and he catches me and I'm going away, I'm coming back and I'm trying to calm him down.But I was telling him: wait for something, then the candle stays between us and I do not see her anymore, " said Corso.

That was when she started to "swim to the coast" and stopped to "iron" from time to time, but was aware that it "could not be s & # 39; To stop because it was cold like barbarians ". The body of Ramos, a 43-year-old Argentine meteorologist, appeared this morning and will be transferred to Buenos Aires.



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