Uruguay: Daily Covid-19 cases collapse, government moves forward with return to normal


After a vaccination campaign to success –65% of the population already has a dose, while fully immune people exceed 51%-, the number of daily infections in Uruguay begins to crumble.

This Monday, the country has reported 600 infections per day and this is the third day in a row that the figure has fallen below 1000.

There is currently 10,646 people with the disease (the main areas of interest are in the departments of Montevideo, Maldonado Yes Paysand), although the occupation of intensive therapy beds due to Covid-19, is 18.6%.

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The number of deaths Daily –Uruguay I must have the highest death rate per 100,000 inhabitants highest in the region, trained by Manaus gamma variant– has fallen by almost a third, from the current 22 to the record 64 last April.

The most recent government epidemiological report asserts that there is a tendency to reduce infections in the past four weeks and patients in intensive care.

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The latest study by vaccine efficacy government, indicates a 60% reduction in cases two weeks after application of the second dose of Sinovac and 78% after injection of Pfizer. On average, intensive care hospitalizations after the application of the vaccines were reduced by 94%, while coronavirus deaths decreased by 96.1% and 94.6% two weeks after vaccination with Pfizer Yes Sinovac, respectively.

Mathematician Mara Ins Fariello told El Observador that the contagion rate is “well below one”, although I expect that in the short term the rate of decline will slow.

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Even if most of the departments are still in a red risk zone According to the Harvard index (more than 25 infections per 100,000 inhabitants), there are five, of which Montevideo, which in the next few days could go to orange zone (between 10 and 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants).

On the other hand, mathematician Marcelo Fiori, member of the interdisciplinary group for the analysis of covid-19 data (Guiad) told El Observador that the curve of mobility decoupled from the number of contagion – until a few weeks ago, they were correlative – by effect of vaccination.

The positive figures propel the government into the reopening mode: Uruguay has allowed the organization of social events, parties and public performances, with limited capacities; the opening of food courts and the practice of amateur sport. The government also announced the return in two parts (July 12 and 19) of the face-to-face classes for high school.

However, faced with concerns about the incomes of Delta variant, the executive has planned that requiring people vaccinated against Covid-19 a PCR the seventh day after the first – necessary to enter the country – without having to complete quarantine.


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