Uruguay has five consecutive days without deaths from covid-19


Uruguayans drink mate on the Rambla in Montevideo
Uruguayans drink mate on the Rambla in Montevideo

Uruguay reaches for the first time since last year five consecutive days without any death due to covid-19 being recorded. The encouraging news is growing with an increase in infections in recent weeks. This Tuesday, 113 new cases were detected, while two weeks ago the figures were around 80 infected daily.

According to the SINAE (National Emergency System), on the basis of data provided by the Ministry of Public Health, 75 of the cases of contagion belong to the capital of the country. The rest is distributed throughout the interior of Uruguay. The total number of deaths from the virus in the country is 6,034 people.

Of the 1,426 people with the disease, 15 of them are admitted to intensive treatment centers (ICS). Compared to figures from a fortnight ago, the relationship between infections and ICU admission is weaker, with fewer people in this situation than when infection figures were even lower.

May be, the encouraging figures are due to the success of the vaccination process managed by Uruguay. 73.1% of the total population are vaccinated.

Uruguay is in the yellow zone of the Harvard index with five of its nineteen departments in the green zone, now on average 1 to 10 new cases per day, per 100,000 inhabitants.

Due to the encouraging figures, Uruguay has authorized the opening of the borders gradually. It began on September 1, giving way to foreigners owning property in the country. Secondly, it will authorize foreigners who are vaccinated and who have carried out a PCR test with a negative result and valid for 72 hours from November 1. On the first day Uruguay opened its borders, it received over 600 requests to enter the country.

Internally, the government of Luis Lacalle Pou has reactivated the cultural sector and public performances with and without dance. The designated protocol for this is the so-called ‘responsible pass’ or ‘green pass’, where people perform antigen testing or present vaccination certificates and a platform will update the health status. who will determine whether or not they are fit to participate in an event. .

In addition, protocols have been prepared for the spaces where the parties wish to take place. After the first test of allowing for mass celebrations in the so-called “Night of Nostalgia”, the date that Uruguayans come out to dance to 80s music all over the country, sources of covid-contagion 19 were few in number and only during clandestine parties.

Measures such as carnival rehearsals, the presence of offices and medical consultations have also been activated.


Uruguayan pharmacies to start testing for covid-19

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