Uruguay has passed 2 million people fully vaccinated against COVID-19


Shipments of vaccines donated by the United States to Uruguay
Shipments of vaccines donated by the United States to Uruguay

Uruguay surpassed 2 million vaccinated on Thursday with the second dose of the Chinese vaccine Coronavac, the American Pfizer and the Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca against COVID-19.

According to the web monitor developed by the Ministry of Public Health, As of 3.31 p.m. local time (6.31 p.m. GMT), 2,001,980 people have already been vaccinated, a figure equivalent to 56.50% of the population of the South American country.

During, 439,991 other residents have already received the first dose and are waiting for the second.

So far, the center-right executive Luis Lacalle Pou bought 6,850,000 doses, including 3,850,000 from Coronavac, 3 million from Pfizer and 98,400 from AstraZeneca.

To them is added the donation of 500,000 doses of Pfizer by the United States government, who arrived in the country last Thursday.

Currently, all residents over 12 years of age can be vaccinated in the South American country.

Third dose

A woman receives a vaccine against covid-19 at Rivera public hospital in Rivera (Photo: EFE)
A woman receives a vaccine against covid-19 at Rivera public hospital in Rivera (Photo: EFE)

Thursday, when asked about the possibility of administering third doses, Lacalle For He assured that “it will be with Pfizer”. However, the president clarified that the decision on the existence or not of this dose not taken yet, and that in this case it will be under the supervision of the country’s Ministry of Public Health (MSP).

July 7 The National Advisory Commission on Immunization recommended that the MSP strengthen vaccination with a third dose in immunocompromised people, agree with The observer, although the agency has not yet commented on the matter.

Meanwhile, this Wednesday, Uruguay has recorded 5 deaths and 417 new cases in 9,456 COVID-19 tests. So far, there are 5,854 deaths from this disease.

With this information, South American country adds 377,704 COVID-19 cases since the start of the health emergency, which in Uruguay was declared on March 13, 2020, including 5,998 people studying the disease, 134 of them admitted to intensive treatment centers (ICS).

The country remains in the orange zone according to the Harvard index, cumulating less than 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days, and registers an index of 12.84. In addition, there are no more departments (provinces) in the red zone.

(With information from EFE)

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