Uruguay on alert: intensive therapies at red occupation level | the Chronicle


To date, 231,901 cases of infected people, 3,318 deaths and 201,367 recoveries have been reported in Uruguayan society, according to figures from the World Health Organization, which places the country 70th among countries with the highest number of infected people. Today the Uruguayan Society of Intensive Medicine (SUMI) today revealed that 85% of the 54 Intensive treatment centers (CTI) are on a red occupancy level and 13% at an orange level.

In its Twitter network account, SUMI showed the data grouped by age group, as recommended by the Honorary Scientific Advisory Group (GACH) and, although it has shown fairly predictable information for the most affected sectors, the concern lies in the fact that of the 54 ITCs in the country, 85% (46 centers) have a red occupancy rate and 13% (7 centers) are at an orange level. Hardly a unit was saved.

Covid-19 tests

Covid-19 tests

President Luis Lacalle Pou, given the worsening contagion of the virus, will extend preventive measures until May 23, which could include a new educational calendar. Although no new restrictions are added, it is only from this date that it will be assessed if certain activities are released. According to the government, the main objective of the measures is to “reduce mobility”.

The latest data from National emergency system (Sinae) report that there are 511 people with the disease in ITC, the lowest number in 28 days, although yesterday there was a rebound in new cases with 3,805, the second highest day since the start of the pandemic, after April 7.

Daniel Salinas, Uruguayan Minister of Public Health, gave the President Luis Lacalle Pou the vaccination plan inside the country, a program that aims to reach 300 towns and 150,000 people who have not yet accepted the vaccination. The plan will have three axes: towns, The most vulnerable neighborhoods and the Business, especially in large enterprises such as transport, meat processing factories and fishing enterprises.


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