Uruguay seeks to attract Argentine tourists who want third dose of vaccine


It should be remembered that many Argentines have traveled to the United States and applied the product from this laboratory, since it is not authorized in Argentina.

Although the tourists already have their full vaccination, from the coastal municipality they aim to replicate what is happening with the Argentines in Miami but, in this case, with Punta del Este, on the basis of what specialists advise and propose in various countries.

What is analyzed is that tourists who enter the country in the coming months may receive the third dose of vaccination as an incentive to spend the summer in Uruguay.

The data was confirmed at Scope by the Director General of Tourism of Maldonado, Martin Laventure.

“The world is talking about the need for a third dose to protect against newer variants of covid. We think this can be a good incentive for tourists to arrive, given the availability of vaccines Uruguay has. “, he stressed.

In Uruguay, they estimate that in the coming months the majority of Argentines will already be immunized with the full regimen, so they will seek to target this boost.

In the proposal of the mayor of Maldonado, Enrique Antía, it is clear that this decision must be taken by the national government, within the framework of the vaccination plan, which is carried out in medical establishments or by health personnel and is free of charge.

The manager receives requests from different sectors of private activity in the neighborhood, such as hotels and restaurants, to recover the economic loss of recent months.

Among the measures that are analyzed in this regard, is the progress of the start of the season for November, even earlier.

It is also true that those who received the two doses from the laboratories used in Argentina may aim, towards the end of the year and the beginning of 2022, to apply another vaccine, since enough time will have passed to be again vaccinated and cope next winter.

The goal of many Argentines to receive the Pfizer vaccine plays an important role in this regard. Although the government of Alberto Fernández has drafted a decree for their entry into the country, it is not clear when they will arrive in Argentina or what availability there will be.

The vaccine from the American laboratory is one of those applied in Uruguay, in addition to AstraZeneca and Coronavac. His vaccination process is well advanced. 71% of the population has already received one dose and 59% have already received two. This was reflected in the sharp drop in infections and the decrease in deaths.

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