Uruguay starts vaccinating foreigners against coronavirus: what are the requirements and what dose do they give


The Uruguayan government on Tuesday authorized the process of vaccination against the coronavirus for refugee or foreign applicants who still do not have an identity document from the country and are in the territory more than 90 days.

“A new online procedure has been activated which allows migrants or asylum seekers, who do not have a Uruguayan identity document, to register to be allowed to enter the Covid vaccination system- 19 “, indicated the Ministry of Public Health (MSP). declaration.

Migrants can carry out the process “as long as they are in the national territory for a period of more than 90 days and had not yet started a residency procedure”.

What vaccines does Uruguay have for the vaccination campaign?

The MSP specifies that the approval of the request does not imply the immediate allocation of a space with date and time, but the confirmation that the person you can enter your data into the system agenda like the rest of the population.

Uruguay has agreements with four vaccines to immunize its population and each of them could be the responsibility of foreigners arriving to be vaccinated. These are Pfizer, Sinovac and AstraZeneca.

The tweet of the Minister of Health of Urugay, Daniel Salinas, about the vaccination of migrants. (Photo: Twitter capture).

To complete the procedure, the applicant must be in possession of the identity document with which he entered the country and have a proof of income, that is to say the entry stamp on the passport or the document issued by Migration which proves that on your arrival you have presented the PCR test.

In addition, the person must have entered at least 90 days before the application and not have started the process of permanent, temporary or temporary legal residence of Mercosur.

Registration is done via an online procedure. Once made, the request is analyzed and the result is communicated by email: whether the order has been approved or rejected.

On Twitter, the Minister of Health Daniel Salinas Salinas said those who entered the country more than 90 days ago and do not have ID will receive the corresponding vaccine based on their age. Therefore, people between the ages of 18 and 70 will receive doses of Sinovac, while those over 70 and minors between 12 and 18 will be vaccinated with Pfizer.

After going through 2020 smoothly, Uruguay lived through April and May worst moment of the health emergency, with records of infections and deaths.

It is currently the second country in the world with the most coronavirus deaths per 100,000 inhabitants over the past 14 days, only behind Paraguay, according to figures compiled by the news agency. AFP.

However, in recent weeks, the numbers show a downward trend in deaths, infections and people interned in intensive care.

The progress of the vaccination campaign in Uruguay. (Photo: Ministry of Public Health of Uruguay).

While some experts still look at the numbers with caution and prefer not to draw conclusions, others understand that these are the first results of the intense vaccination campaign the government began on March 1.

Until Tuesday, the 61% of the population received at least one of the two doses, while 40% of the inhabitants already have the full guideline of Sinovac, Pfizer or Astrazeneca. The goal of Luis Lacalle Pou’s government is to vaccinate 2 million people with the two doses by mid-July.

The country, with 3.5 million inhabitants, was the first in Latin America to allow the vaccination of adolescents between 12 and 17 years old.


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