Uruguay suspends classes after peaking in coronavirus infections


Luis Lacalle Pou announced suspension of classes and more restrictions on the movement of people in Uruguay, after the country hit another peak in coronavirus infections.

A week after putting in place a battery of measures to deal with the advance of the pandemic, the Uruguayan government suspended classes at all levels Tuesday until April 12. In addition, he closed the state offices, except “the essential” and will limit the crowds.

“Last March, the pressure was strong to apply the containment of the population. We have opted for freedom. Today, a year later, the situation is different“Lacalle Pou began the press conference, a few minutes later of a council of ministers which he described as” fermental “.

The president stressed the danger of Brazilian strain P-1, “more powerful and contagious”, even if the progress of the vaccination plan also stood out (350,000 people received a dose).

With "weigh", Luis Lacalle Pou announced more restrictions on mobility due to the coronavirus.  EFE Photo

With “regret”, Luis Lacalle Pou announced more mobility restrictions due to the coronavirus. EFE Photo

“When the government can move forward, it does so with approval and desire. When it has to back down, it does so taking care of the Uruguayans. but with regret, that’s what I’m going to do now, ”added Lacalle Pou, before listing the new measures.

The president announced the suspension of classes at all levels educational until April 12. He detailed that, from that date, the return to classes will be gradual, the initial level being the first to return to class.

Last week, the obligation to attend classes was suspended and they were directly suspended in the department of Rivera, one of the most complicated by the coronavirus.

The rest of the measures

Lacalle Pou instituted this Tuesday the closure of public offices, “except the essentials”, and the suspension of parties and social events.

In addition, he announced the closure of gymnasiums and the suspension of the practice of amateur sports. They also stayed suspended public broadcasts, which last week had seen its capacity reduced.

Likewise, Lacalle Pou said that “crowds” will be limited.

“Within the framework of the regulations in force, the agglomerations will be dissolved. The law which the government has as a tool will be applied”, declared the Uruguayan president.

General view of the Council of Ministers with the President of Uruguay Luis Lacalle Pou.  EFE Photo

General view of the Council of Ministers with the President of Uruguay Luis Lacalle Pou. EFE Photo

The bars and restaurants must close at midnight, not 2 because it was in effect. Free stores will be closed at the borders.

All measurements will take place until April 12, after Easter.

The president also said that the sickness benefits everyone over 65 in the private sector. And the “Tribute to Covid-19 “ public salaries for two months. “What is collected will go to activities affected by reduced mobility,” he explained.

Summarizing the spirit of the measures, he assured: “The ‘stay at home’ last March is now ‘stay in your bubble with your family nucleus ”.

Alarming figures

Uruguay will limit crowds, at its worst with the coronavirus.  Xinhua Photo

Uruguay will limit crowds, at its worst with the coronavirus. Xinhua Photo

Last Tuesday, faced with the advance of the pandemic in this country, Lacalle Pou announced a first battery of measures: the suspension of the obligation to attend classes and the launch of the vaccination campaign for people aged 18 and over. more.

However, this week, the Uruguayan Ministry of Health reported the two worst daily records since the start of the pandemic: 2,682 new infections were detected on Monday, a new peak in Covid cases, while 1,801 were reported on Tuesday. .

The number interned in intensive care it is also a record: 202 patients are in units of this type.


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