Uruguay, the country in South America with the most coronavirus deaths according to its population – telam


Throughout the pandemic, Uruguay records 144,642 infected people and 1,462 deaths,

Throughout the pandemic, Uruguay records 144,642 infected people and 1,462 deaths,

Uruguay became the South American country with the most coronavirus deaths relative to its population last week, according to a ranking in which it overtook Brazil for the first time, and amid a spike in infections that puts intensive care beds on the verge of full occupancy.

According to the University of Oxford’s Our World in Data website, which helps analyze data and compare countries to understand the progression of the pandemic around the world, Uruguay is the country in South America. with the most deaths from Covid-19 in the last seven days, as its rate is 14.85 deaths per day per million population, while that of Brazil is 14.59.

In a world ranking, Uruguay is in sixth position, behind Hungary with more than 25; Bosnia and Herzegovina with over 23; North Macedonia with almost 20; Bulgaria with 17 and Montenegro with more than 15

Below Uruguay are Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic.

Statistics show the complex situation of the neighboring country which, in addition to a very strong increase in infections, presents a consequent complication of its health situation.

A report by the Uruguayan Society of Intensive Medicine (SUMI) on the occupation of the ICC, cited by the website La Diaria, indicates that there are 491 patients with covid in intensive care, which represents 52.5% of the total beds, and total employment (the most versatile covid) amounts to 79.1%.

To make matters worse, the representative of the National Coordinator of Collective Medical Assistance Institutions, Carlos Cardoso, assured on Monday that so far there have been no cases of “omission of assistance” in this table. , because there were complementary measures between the institutions. But he warned, in dialogue with Informativo Sarand, that, according to the projections of mathematicians, “At the end of this week, there will be no more beds available” in the intensive care units.

The projection takes into account the amount of admissions to the ITC and relates them to dismissals and to the deceased.

Luis Lacalle Pou’s government adopted measures to reduce dissemination, but refused to tighten restrictions, as requested by medical and scientific organizations, and as suggested by the Honorary Scientific Advisory Group (GACH).

The mayor of Montevideo, Carolina Cosse, warned that “the situation is very serious” and that this “has been announced by science since the end of 2020”.

“The GACH, the medical companies have said that a situation could arise that could get out of hand. And it got out of hand. All Uruguayans must make an effort ”, claim.

Lament adems that “the discusin is siendo si las camas de CTI alcanzan o no, que es un tema grave, claro, pero si la discusin gira hacia ah corre un riesgo: supongamos que tenemos todas las camas del mundo, pero sigue murindose la people. What should matter to us, whether action is taken or there are more beds, is that no one else dies. “.

Opposition leader Frente Amplio believes that “such a complex problem has no single solution” because “it will not be solved with the vaccine alone, but a national agreement is needed.

“We have a gift in red. You can see on the map that we are the ones with the most red in the world. We can choose how to proceed from now on. We are all the Republic. This problem is not solved by a single ranger. There should be a table that includes the executive, the University of the Republic, social organizations, the PIT-CNT, chambers of commerce and political parties. And let everyone say what they can bring, ”he concluded.

The country has recorded 144,642 people infected since the start of the pandemic and 1,462 deaths, but Since the start of this year, it has seen a noticeable increase in positive cases in its 19 departments.


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