Uruguay: they arrested three notaries who defrauded the sale of fake land to Argentines near Punta del Este


Puente Garzón, junction between the departments of Maldonado and Rocha (Turismo Rocha)
Puente Garzón, junction between the departments of Maldonado and Rocha (Turismo Rocha)

They sold land in El Caracol, Costa Bonita and El Bonete, all close to Laguna Garzón, east of Uruguay. They were sold for $ 50 or $ 70 per square meter. They were told that they averaged about 1,000 square meters and faced either the sea or the lagoon.

Group of foreigners, mostly Argentines, denounced three notaries who illegally sold land, As reported FM people. The operations were carried out from Maldonado by local actors who are now under investigation as a possible criminal organization.

Most of the maneuvers cThey started in 2011, although there are previous years. Some of the complainants are people over 80 years old. Some of them died during the investigation. The same thing happens with notaries: several of those who appear in the documentation are deceased.

According to the FM Gente newspaper, they are involved about fifty writings.

Following the complaints, the Uruguayan justice prosecuted three notaries from Maldonado, two women and a man who already had a criminal record.
Following the complaints, the Uruguayan justice prosecuted three notaries from Maldonado, two women and a man who already had a criminal record.

After the complaints, the Uruguayan justice indicted three notaries from Maldonado, two women and a man who already had a criminal record. A few weeks ago, another man had been made official whose role in the operation was to appear as the lawyer in fact for the falsified documents. These were the ones used for land negotiations.

One of the women was convicted of the offense of association with a view to committing an offense, repeated offenses of ideological falsification of a public document by a public official, all in a regime of real reiteration between them.

La otra fue formalizada por la presunta comisión de un delito de asociación para delinquir, un delito de uso de documento público falso, un delito de falsificación ideológica por un funcionario público y presunta co-autora de un delito de estafa, todos en reg real.

Punta del Este, Maldonado department
Punta del Este, Maldonado department

At the same time, the man was prosecuted for having committed an offense of association with a view to committing an offense, an offense of ideological falsification by a public official, an offense of using a false public document and an offense of fraud, the equally in a regime of true reiteration.

The four must be placed under house arrest as a precaution and report once a week to the police station in their area. It will be for a period of 180 days as long as the investigation continues.


Punta del Este: a notary and a real estate operator were convicted of usurpation and fraudulent sale of an Argentinian’s land
The illegal maneuver with which trade unionist Marcelo Balcedo tried to seize land adjacent to his mansion in Uruguay
Cuadernos de las bribes K: in Uruguay, they bailed out an investigation into the sale of two land in Punta del Este

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