Uruguay: they have already vaccinated with two doses more than 50% of the population and they have allowed parties and public performances


Brazilian José Adir Maciel de Oliveiura Quevedo, 63, who lives in the Brazilian city of Santana do Livramento, receives a dose of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at the Comeri de Rivera hospital in Uruguay on March 19, 2021. REUTERS / Diego Vara
Brazilian José Adir Maciel de Oliveiura Quevedo, 63, who lives in the Brazilian city of Santana do Livramento, receives a dose of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at the Comeri de Rivera hospital in Uruguay on March 19, 2021. REUTERS / Diego Vara

The social events, the Holidays and the Public shows were activated this Monday in Uruguay, which exceeds half of its population fully vaccinated and where pandemic figures show a marked slowdown.

“Be activated from July 5, 2021 on public performances, parties and social events of similar characteristics“, Provides for the decree signed by the president Luis Lacalle Pou and the Council of Ministers. The document also authorizes the opening of food courts in commercial premises and the practice of amateur sport.

The rooms who, meanwhile, are activated in 16 of the 19 departments (provinces) of the country. At Maldonado, Canelones Yes Montevideo -the most populated departments- can reopen as of July 15.

The decree, taken on June 25, takes into account the improved covid-19 pandemic rates in recent weeks, in which the country has a slump in daily infections and deaths, as well as active cases and people admitted to intensive care.

The improvement is explained by the intense pace of the vaccination campaign, started on March 1 in a country that It has never decreed compulsory confinements or curfews for its inhabitants.

The Minister of Health of Uruguay, Daniel Salinas, reported on Monday that more than half of the population received both doses of the vaccine, and would therefore be fully immune, although they asked not to “relax“And continue to maintain security measures.

Uruguay reached on Monday the 50% of its fully vaccinated population, while another 15% received the first dose of CoronaVac, Pfizer O AstraZeneca. Only one 6.1% of those who have signed up to be vaccinated are still waiting to be vaccinated.

Salinas, in this sense, recalled that the Government’s objective is to vaccinate more than 70% of the population and that “This match is not won”, as stated in a post on his Twitter account.

Also through this social network, the Under-Secretary for Health, José Luis Satdjian, celebrated this milestone by highlighting the “Efforts of many people behind the vaccination plan and, above all, Uruguayans who have put their hands together”

Uruguay administered at least one dose to 2,302,717 people, which represents nearly 65% ​​of the population, while they are 1,772,583 citizens who have the second injection.

The high percentage of vaccinated adds to the natural immunity reached by the inhabitants after the a high number of infections reached especially in April and May, when the country went through its worst health moment.

The small South American nation of 3.5 million inhabitants, Register 372,709 case and 5,689 deaths due to the new coronavirus since the start of the pandemic. As of Sunday, it had 11,600 active cases, a third of the peak reached at the end of May, when it reached 36,121 people with the disease.

(With AFP and EP information)

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