Uruguay: they investigate and arrest a suspect for the crime of Lola Chomnalez | Chronic


A man was investigated on Monday and was postponed on suspicion of having participated in the crime of Lola Chomnalez, the Argentine teenager murdered in the seaside resort of Barra de Valizas in 2014, informed the prosecutor of the case Jorge Vaz.

"The parents were waiting to know the truth and it is a transcendent milestone in the recording.With this measurement, we believe that the investigation begins to bring some light and of peace."said one of the family's lawyers, Juan Williman.

The suspect, whom the investigators identified with the nickname "El Cachila", was postponed this afternoon after a new investigation conducted as part of the case by prosecutor Vaz.

"This was an investigation in which a semi-expert expert also participated, and the expert was able to determine that the suspect, when talking about things that did not concern him, had a non-verbal language. comfortable and wondered about issues related to the homicide had restrictive gestures towards the body and movements that complicated his situation "explained the prosecutor.

"The Cachila" It is a neighbor of Valizas who had already been arrested and had been the subject of an investigation as part of the investigation, but who was eventually released.

Now the prosecutor again cited him as suspect after a fresh impulse that had led the investigation with the statement of some witnesses, one of which directly concerned "The Blade".

"I can not determine if he was the murderer, although I am fully convinced that he was instead", added the attorney tonight at a press conference.

Subsequently, the Uruguayan prosecutor issued a statement in which it was stated that there were "sufficient elements of conviction to indict" the suspect of the crime "of very special homicide committed as than co-author ".

Prosecutor Vaz badured that the judge Juan Manuel Giménez Vera He cited Tuesday next at a hearing at which all parties will be present and where the magistrate will determine if there is a place for the formal detention request of the suspect.

For his part, attorney Williman supported the prosecutor's decision to arrest the suspect and said it was "a very important step on the road to the truth".

"We are now going to study the elements of the case, but we support the accusations brought by Dr. Vaz.We were not looking for a culprit, but the culprit and we have taken a very important step today., badured the lawyer.

Lola (14 years old) went to Barra de Valizas on Saturday 27 December 2014 and stayed with her godmother, Claudia Fernándezwho was with her husband, Hernán Tuzinkevcihand his son.

The next day, the girl disappeared when she went for a walk on the beach. Two days later, she was found murdered about four kilometers from the house, in a dune area.

The autopsy revealed that Lola had died as a result of suffocation asphyxia and that she had had several cuts to the knife in different parts of her body.

During the investigation, some 30 people, including Lola's godmother and her husband, who never contacted the Chomnalez family, were arrested as suspects and then released, while various clues were followed and then dismissed.

The son-in-law of Lola's 14-year-old godmother, who was with them in Valizas, was also the subject of a DNA study, although this study is also negative.

One of the problems that does not get close to the family is all about the discovery of Lola's backpack, found on the beach on January 14, 2015, almost two weeks after that. " she was found murdered.

Inside the backpack, along with other personal belongings, we found a beach towel that carried a blood stain. Since then, this genetic material has been compared to that of all the inmates who were the cause, but always gave negative results, and that is why they were released.


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