Uruguay will not require quarantine for foreigners vaccinated against COVID-19


Uruguay will not require a quarantine for vaccinated foreigners (REUTERS / Ana Ferreira NO RESALE. NO FILES)
Uruguay will not require a quarantine for vaccinated foreigners (REUTERS / Ana Ferreira NO RESALE. NO FILES)

Uruguay to exempt foreigners who prove they have received the COVID-19 vaccine from complying with mandatory quarantine “in the last nine months prior to boarding,” according to the October 4 decree published this Thursday on the website of the Presidency.

“People who certify that they have received the single dose or both doses, depending on the type of vaccine provided, against SARS CoV-2 approved by their country of origin within the last nine months after entering the country They will be exempted from complying with the provisions of paragraph E above.», Specifies the document.

This point established that those who entered the country were to keep “compulsory preventive social isolation“For 7 days, after which they had to do a PCR, or extend that period by a week.

The decree that could be known in the last hours adds that, in this case, Visitors must present the certificate issued by the health authority of their country of origin attesting to the vaccination and compliance with the aforementioned deadlines..

Uruguay will open its borders to foreign tourism on November 1 (AFP)
Uruguay will open its borders to foreign tourism on November 1 (AFP)

The text also notes that minors from countries that do not have vaccines for this range must perform a PCR test on the seventh day after entering the country or, failing that, remain in isolation for 14 days.

From September 1st Uruguay has opened its borders to foreigners owning property in the country, as well as to Uruguayans and residents and exceptional cases (for economic-professional, diplomatic or family reasons).

To this is added that South American country to open borders to foreign tourism on November 1.

Uruguay remains in the yellow zone of the Harvard index, which accumulates the weekly average of new cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants. Concretely, it totals 3.08, with 11 of the 19 departments of the country in green, that is to say with an index less than 1.

(With information from EFE)


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