Uruguay will not take “more measures” against the coronavirus despite its “sad reality”


The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, assured that his executive will not take “other steps” to slow the progress of the coronavirus despite the “sad reality” the country is facing with the increase in deaths in recent weeks.

Despite the fact that in April there was an exponential increase in deaths, the president pointed out that this situation “is reversed with vaccination, with personal care and, of course, with the rapid arrival to hospitalization and intensive treatment ”.

“Obviously we all know that it depends a lot on the particular behaviors of each of us reduce mobility. The measures are taken, ”he said.

Lacalle Pou made the statements after receiving the second dose of the Chinese Coronavac vaccine at Maciel Hospital in Montevideo, located in the old town (historic center) of the Uruguayan capital.

He also reiterated that does not agree with more restrictive measureslike mandatory quarantine or nighttime curfew.

The president also said that the country wait for the arrival of 1.5 million more vaccines from Chinese laboratory Sinovac in the first days of May.

The classes

“We are waiting for the first days of May for this new expedition to continue with the people programmed and he needs the first dose, ”he says.

He also pointed out that this week he will hold meetings with education-related authorities to resolve the situation of study centers, which are currently offering their courses virtually and who plan to come back on May 3

Lacalle Pou, 47, received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on March 29 in the same center.

On that day he was received by dozens of people who gathered around the entrance to greet him and, as a result, he had contact with a positive, so who had to undergo a PCR test, which ultimately gave a negative result.

According to the web monitor developed by the Ministry of Health, at 11:38 a.m. 1130,016 people received the first dose of the vaccine from Chinese (Sinovac), American (Pfizer) or Anglo-Swedish (AstraZeneca) laboratories, and 490,982 were it also administered the second, therefore more than 46% of the population has at least part of the vaccination.

Since March 13, 2020, when the health emergency was declared in Uruguay due to the detection of the first positives, the South American country has accumulated 184,865 cases, of which 28,050 are active, and 2,326 deaths.

Source: EFE



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