Uruguayan Chamber of Deputies approved resolution condemning repression in Nicaragua


General view of the House of Senators of the Uruguayan Parliament in Montevideo (Uruguay).  EFE / Raúl Martínez / Archives
General view of the House of Senators of the Uruguayan Parliament in Montevideo (Uruguay). EFE / Raúl Martínez / Archives

The Uruguayan Chamber of Deputies approved on Tuesday a resolution condemning the repression of the Daniel Ortega regime against the population and he reaffirmed “his conviction and his support for the right to demonstrate legitimately”.

In the draft resolution, Uruguayan deputies expressed their rejection of political persecution and condemned all “forms of repression and abuse of repressive force”.

His rejection of the persecution and imprisonment of political and social leaders in Nicaragua, a country in which several political parties have been disqualified and leaders and candidates of those parties have been imprisoned, as well as the persecution of journalists who have reported of this processSays the fourth point of the draft resolution.

The Uruguayan House also reaffirmed its belief in the right to political protest and opposition, and that these are a fundamental element of full democracy.

Too urged Daniel Ortega’s regime to re-establish an institutional climate allowing elections to be held with guarantees for all parties.

Daniel Ortega (c), with his wife, Vice-President Rosario Murillo (i).  EFE / Jorge Torre / Archives
Daniel Ortega (c), with his wife, Vice-President Rosario Murillo (i). EFE / Jorge Torre / Archives

Finally, he reaffirmed the importance and the validity of the principle of non-interference and non-interference in the internal affairs of the countries of the region.

Ortega’s regime beheaded the opposition four months before parliamentary elections, in which the president will seek re-election, with the arrest on Monday evening of peasant leader and dissenting presidential candidate Medardo Mairena.

He also captured student leader Lesther Alemán, the young man who publicly berated Ortega during the national dialogue three years ago, who now adds 21 to the jailed opposition leaders, plus 5 others linked to them, since the May 28. .

Mairena, leader of the Nicaraguan anti-chain peasant movement, is the sixth opposition presidential candidate arrested in the Central American country. has been experiencing a social, political and human rights crisis since April 18, 2018.

Besides Mairena, Nicaraguan authorities have arrested presidential candidates Cristiana Chamorro, Arturo Cruz, Félix Maradiaga, Juan Sebastián Chamorro and Miguel Mora, who are under investigation for alleged treason.

In the picture, the peasant leader Medardo Mairena.  EFE / Jorge Torres / Archives
In the picture, the peasant leader Medardo Mairena. EFE / Jorge Torres / Archives

The Acting Under Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the US State Department, Julie Chung, “strongly” condemned on Tuesday the new arrests and that these “arbitrary arrests of leaders of the student and peasant movements – and another presidential candidate – underlines the fear of the regime (Ortega) of any opposition ”.

For her part, the President of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Antonia Urrejola, affirmed on her Twitter account that every day the possibility for Nicaragua to have free, fair and equitable elections is considered more far.

OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro has declared that the inter-American and international community has a responsibility to “protect” democracy in Nicaragua, he condemns the “tyranny” of the Ortega regime, demanded “actions” in accordance with the Inter-American Democratic Charter and demanded the release of the new detainees.


Nicaragua: Ortega regime does not allow political prisoners to receive their lawyers or visits from relatives
Nicaragua: Daniel Ortega’s brother also called for the release of political prisoners
The opposition’s dilemma faced with the hardening of the Ortega regime: whether or not to participate in the elections and with which candidate

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