US accuses Hezbollah official of attacking Amia


The United States has officially accused Hezbollah member of the organization Salman Rauf Salman of organizing the attack on Amia, which took place in Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, and has offered a $ 7 million reward for providing information. lead to his arrest.

This has been reported by the DPA agency and other international agencies, which recall that it is the largest terrorist attack in the history of Argentina against Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (Amia) in Buenos Aires, where 85 people were killed and 300 wounded.

The US government has offered a reward of up to seven million dollars for any information leading to the arrest of Salman, after having officially accused him of having organized the terrorist attack .

Salman Rauf Salman .jpg

Salman Rauf Salman, accused of attack on Amia.

Salman Rauf Salman, accused of attack on Amia.

In addition, the US Treasury Department has imposed sanctions on Salman for "coordinating this devastating attack" and since then leading "terrorist operations for Hezbollah in the Western Hemisphere," according to the deputy secretary of the department. Treasury for Terrorism. and financial intelligence, Sigal Mandelker, according to DPA.

Salman, of Colombian nationality and also known under the pseudonym of "Samuel Salman El Reda", is one of Interpol's most wanted fugitives for "aggravated homicide of racial or religious hatred".

For three decades he managed to hide between Lebanon and Latin America. It has many shelters, varied identities and has developed a network of contacts large enough to allow it to escape the prison and set up a money laundering and cocaine trafficking structure in their country. and then Europe and the Middle East, the international press reported. .

>> Read more: 25 years after the attack on Amia, the request for justice has been renewed

This information is known as the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, goes to Argentina.

Pompeo, who arrived in the country this morning, is taking part today in the headquarters of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the "Second Hemispheric Ministerial Conference on the Fight against Terrorism" and, as part of this activity, was making more early tribute to the victims of the attack at AMIA, at the headquarters of the Jewish Mutual, where he was one of the speakers.


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