US allows execution of woman


In the past few hours, a United States appeals court has overturned last week’s death penalty moratorium on Lisa Montgomery and on January 12, if executed, she will be the first woman to suffer a federal execution in the country since 1953..

Montgomery was convicted of a 2004 crime in which she murdered a pregnant woman and removed her 8-month-old baby from her womb, and after her execution was postponed, justice finally authorized her execution on January 12 , eight days before Joe Biden’s inauguration as president.

Montgomery’s attorney Meaghan VerGow has announced that she intends to appeal the entire District of Columbia Court of Appeal decision and insisted the woman, the only one sentenced to death in the United States, suffers from a serious mental disorder after years of being abused by your parents.

“Considering everything we know about Lisa Montgomery, her mental illness and the horrific life trauma she has endured, we don’t see a logical reason for her execution,” VerGow said in a statement requesting to President Donald Trump a clemency order, CNN news network reported.

Before Trump took office, only three federal executions had taken place during this period; the same ones that remain to be completed until January 20, the date of the presidential replacement.

All were conducted under the leadership of Republican President George W. Bush and included inmate Timothy McVeigh, convicted of a bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City.

Montgomery was scheduled to be executed in Terre Haute, Indiana on December 8, but a stay was imposed after her lawyers contracted coronavirus while visiting her in prison.

On December 26, Judge Randolph Moss quashed a Federal Bureau of Prisons order postponing his death until January 12, ruling in favor of a Montgomery defense claim that a date could not be set while there is a suspension. .

But a three-judge panel from the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals found the trial judge mistakenly delayed the date and reinstated the execution.

If executed, Montgomery would be the first woman to receive the death penalty since Bonnie Brown Heady, convicted of kidnapping and murder and executed on December 18, 1953, according to the Bureau of Prisons file.


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