US asks social media story for visa applicants


United States visa

"National security is our top priority when badessing visa applications and every prospective traveler and immigrant to the United States is subject to extensive security screening," they said. They added, "We are constantly working to find protection mechanisms for US citizens while supporting legitimate travel in the United States."

Until now, only social networks, e-mails and telephone records were requested from the identified candidates for further investigation, ie: those who had traveled to areas controlled by terrorist organizations. Each year, there were 65,000 travelers in this category.

The State Department said the additional information required of more applicants "will strengthen the process of investigation and confirmation of identity".

It is estimated that this abrupt change will affect more than 15 million foreigners who request, year after year, the document to be able to enter the country of North America.

The new forms include a list of social media platforms and require the applicant to include the names you used in the last five years. It also allows them to provide information about platforms that are not listed.

The candidates They must include phone numbers, e-mails and the status of international travel and evictions, in case that would have had. They should also clarify to the government if a family member was involved in criminal activities such as terrorism. Only applicants for certain types of diplomatic and official visas are exempt.


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