US Congress to Vote on Joe Biden’s $ 1.9 Trillion Stimulus Package Today


Exterior view of the United States Congress in Washington (USA).  EFE / Michael Reynolds / Archives
Exterior view of the United States Congress in Washington (USA). EFE / Michael Reynolds / Archives

The US Congress must approve this Wednesday the colossal stimulus package promoted by Joe Biden with the sole support of the Democrats, which would thus offer an important victory to the president at the beginning of his mandate.

The amount is staggering: 1.9 trillion dollars, the equivalent of Italy’s GDP in 2020. An amount sufficient to have a considerable impact on growth, according to economists, and on the lives of millions of Americans.

The United States “desperately” needs these measures to emerge from the crisis caused by the pandemicinsists the president, who has promised to promulgate the “rescue plan” as soon as it is adopted by Congress.

Republicans oppose this initiative, and denounce “far left” measures that go beyond the fight against the crisis caused by the coronavirus.

Biden, who repeatedly remembers his long time as a senator able to compromise with the other area, has so far failed to convince anyone.

But the Democrats, who control the House of Representatives, are convinced that they will be able to adopt it without them, in the vote scheduled for Wednesday late morning, after two hours of a debate scheduled to start at 9 a.m. local time (1400 GMT).

California House of Representatives Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi walks through the Capitol on March 8, 2021. EFE / EPA / JIM LO SCALZO
California House of Representatives Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi walks through the Capitol on March 8, 2021. EFE / EPA / JIM LO SCALZO

Biden’s plan has already taken another milestone on Tuesday night with the process vote in the House: 219 Democrats approved the rules that will govern the final vote, while 209 Republicans and one Democrat rejected them.

It is a remarkable historic law that will lead to profound transformation and allow us to make great strides in the fight against the virus and in responding to our economic crisis.Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday.

A sign of her confidence, several Democratic leaders accompanied her during this triumphalist-toned press conference … even before the vote.

This Tuesday, the 46th President of the United States visited, for his part, what is considered to be the oldest hardware store in Washington, which benefited from one of the Donald Trump administration’s aid programs, whose measures will now be extended.

Democrats insist that with their version, small family businesses, and especially those run by minorities, will get more support.

“We have taken a giant leap” to help AmericansBiden said Saturday after the Senate vote on the plan, one of his great campaign promises.

In the picture, Joe Biden, US President EFE / EPA / SHAWN THEW
In the picture, Joe Biden, US President EFE / EPA / SHAWN THEW

“We are very excited, optimistic and hopeful for what is to come,” Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.

With a narrow majority, Democrats can only afford a few defections on Wednesday.

Changes to the Senate under pressure from the moderates could raise fears of a progressive rebellion. But independent Senator Bernie Sanders’ strong support for the negotiated text eased tensions between party leaders.

Biden constantly remembers the example of the Great Crisis of 2008, when he was Obama’s right-hand man to launch the bailout for the US economy in 2009., and insists that it is better to think big to try to avoid a relapse.

The world’s largest economy contracted 3.5% last year, the largest since World War II.

According to experts, this millionaire package should be the engine of growth. According to White House, this “historic” law will create more than 7 million new jobs this year, reduce health costs and save lives by boosting vaccination against covidus.

File photo of Eric Lipps, 52, queuing to enter NYCHires Job Fair in New York, USA.  December 9, 2009. REUTERS / Shannon Stapleton / Archive
File photo of Eric Lipps, 52, queuing to enter NYCHires Job Fair in New York, USA. December 9, 2009. REUTERS / Shannon Stapleton / Archive

The presidency also says that child poverty will be halved.

If ultimately approved, Project Biden will retain many of the previous programs of other aid programs approved in 2020, worth $ 2.2 trillion and $ 900 billion respectively., issue checks up to $ 1,400 to many Americans, and provide assistance to cash-strapped state and local governments. It will also extend the one-time unemployment benefits which expire from March 14 to September.

The plan “will lead to a profound transformation,” Hakeem Jeffries, one of the House’s Democratic leaders, said on Tuesday.

But for Republican lawmaker Steve Scalise, Democrats are not focusing on tackling the pandemic, but instead promoting “a far left agenda” with which “they are pushing the next generation into bankruptcy with a mountain of debt.”

With information from AFP


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