US declares 23 animal species extinct


US authorities on Wednesday declared the final extinction of 23 species
US authorities declared the final extinction of 23 species on Wednesday

US authorities on Wednesday declared the permanent extinction of 23 species, including the ivory-billed woodpecker., one of the most majestic birds in the United States and once found in the swamps of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. Since 1944, no specimen of this animal has been seen.

Among the 23 species that scientists have lost hope of seeing alive, there is another bird, Bachman’s Warbler, two types of freshwater fish endemic to Ohio and Texas, eight types of mussels from the southeastern part of the country, and one plant.

Bachman bird specimens (AP Photo / Haven Daley)
Bachman bird specimens (AP Photo / Haven Daley)

The Federal Fisheries and Wildlife Service North America “has determined that these species are extinct,” which is why the process has started removing them from the endangered species list. The report adds that this news “highlights how human activity can lead to the decline and extinction of species, contributing to habitat loss, overexploitation and the introduction of invasive species and of diseases ”., reads the statement.

The growing effects of climate change are expected to further exacerbate these threats.Adds the document. “With climate change and the loss of natural habitat, more and more species are on the brink of extinction, so it’s time to be more proactive and innovative in efforts to save America’s wildlife.” Home Secretary Deb Haaland said in a statement.

An ivory-billed woodpecker specimen is on display at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco on Friday, September 24, 202. The United States government declared this bird and 22 other animal species extinct in September 2021 (AP Photo / Haven Daley)
An ivory-billed woodpecker specimen is on display at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco on Friday, September 24, 202. The United States government declared this bird and 22 other animal species extinct in September 2021 (AP Photo / Haven Daley)

The ivory woodpecker, belonging to the Picidae family, had black and white plumage, with a red crest on males, and measured around 50 centimeters. It was classified as an endangered species in 1967, mainly because of the disappearance of the forests that made up its habitat and because of excessive catches for collectors.

The last time a specimen of this species was seen was in April 1944 in northeast Louisiana.

These 23 species were classified as threatened in the 1960s, too late to be saved.the authorities said. The list also includes eleven species endemic to Hawaii and the island of Guam, including several birds and one species of bat.

Pearl mussel (Epioblasma torulosa) shells collected from the Ohio River can be found at the Chase Studio in Cedarcreek, Missouri.  The freshwater mussel is one of 23 species that U.S. wildlife officials say are extinct (Chris Barnhart via AP)
Pearl mussel (Epioblasma torulosa) shells collected from the Ohio River can be found at the Chase Studio in Cedarcreek, Missouri. The freshwater mussel is one of 23 species that U.S. wildlife officials say are extinct (Chris Barnhart via AP)

The animals that live on the islands are more easily threatened due to their isolation. Over 650 species of plants and animals in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands are threatened, more than any other state in the country.

Many do not exist anywhere else in the world.

Agency scientists noted, however, that protection efforts are effective, and they recalled that since 1975 nearly fifty animals have left the list of protected species, among them the bald eagle or the brown pelican.

With information from EFE and AFP


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